Before I met my partner, I went on road trips by myself a couple times a year, usually to remote places. Sometimes friends expressed concern for my safety, but I relished the solitude and thrill of navigating new places on my own.
Before I met my partner, I went on road trips by myself a couple times a year, usually to remote places. Sometimes friends expressed concern for my safety, but I relished the solitude and thrill of navigating new places on my own.
I would like to know more about this legend... In high school, I was up late one night trying to get a class project done, when I heard what sounded like footsteps. It sounded like they were coming from directly above my room, pacing deliberately from one end to the other. I could have sworn that items on my dresser…
Debilitating is an accurate word. I’m much better at managing it now that I’ve been going to therapy every week for awhile, and unpacked a lot of my own experiences, but I was barely functional for a period at my previous job.
Thank you for the work you do. Every agency where you’re regularly engaging with trauma should offer those services to employees! We’re in the process of doing the same where I currently work, where we deal with grief, loss, and physical trauma. I used to work with victims/survivors of domestic & sexual violence, and…
Yeah, it seems weird to treat his relationship to Dylan as nearly an aside.
My maternal grandparents’ house had a view of the Superstition Mountains. I grew up hearing stories from my mom about curses and deaths, booby traps and ghosts, in the Superstitions. I was always intrigued but terrified and have never hiked there!
I turned to my friend, and I swear I was about to make a joke about what we were watching, but what came out instead was “We need to get the kids together.” She didn’t seem surprised at all; she just nodded and said, “I know.”
I worked at the Hotline for a few years! I moved on several years ago, but it was one of the most formative jobs, for better and worse, that I’ve ever held. I hope you have, and are being provided with, all the support and resources that you need to care for yourself. It’s such important but challenging work, that…
I participated in a mock jury trial to help a legal team serving plaintiffs, and you would not believe the ignorance and utter disregard for women’s pain that I heard from male participants. The rest of the women eventually won them over to a consensus, but the men were disgusting.
Would like to recommend the documentary After Tiller - I wasn’t sure where I stood exactly on late-term abortion until viewing that. It cleared up a lot of misconceptions and put a very human face to both patients and providers.
The trouble is: shock is a limited resource and its effectiveness dwindles with each story.
Not to mention...some of the kids he’s talking about literally did get shot?? I was at the March for Our Lives in DC when one of the survivors who’d been shot threw up halfway through her speech, as she was describing and probably re-experiencing the trauma in detail. She acknowledged the moment with laughter and…
Exactly. Abuse is a pattern of power and control. Anything that threatens an abuser’s sense of power and control, like domestic violence charges, regardless of whether they were initiated by the victim or not, will likely cause an abuser to escalate and endanger the victim’s life. And because the victim has so little…
I’m in no way discounting the possibility of foul play in many of these deaths. This just seems like too many, too young.
There are mobile crisis teams in many counties where licensed counselors can respond to someone’s home, workplace, school, etc. to do an assessment that I always recommend, if the person in need of help is safe enough to wait.
But they bought milkshakes for everyone! That should have more than made up for their glibness towards everyone else’s well-founded fears about an administration that would become a fantasy football draft for white supremacists, enacting policy that would do irreparable harm for many vulnerable people...right??
Evicted described a similar ordinance in Milwaukee. After responding to a domestic violence call, the police would issue a citation or warning to the victim’s landlord, requiring action. Landlords who said they’d warn the resident that they’d be evicted if they called 911 again were often told by the police that that…
Check to see if there are any Mental Health First Aid courses in your community: They provide training on recognizing and responding to signs of mental illness and substance abuse disorders.