scientific nature of the whammy

This. I lived this. It goes hand in hand with purity culture, which I also lived. Do everything right, and everything will go well. If something goes wrong, you didn’t do it right. Failure of leadership must be happening because the wife isn’t letting him lead. Don’t remarry—it’s proof that you caused it. This

Another comment specifically mentioned the translation issue, which is really fascinating.

Mental healthcare in this country IS a joke, but they are doing what they can to support those in need with a free service. They rely entirely on volunteers and that means that there can be a short delay on responses when you’re texting in when they’re understaffed.

A long, long time ago - probably at least a decade ago - I was listening to an interview on NPR with a scholar of Aramaic. He was talking about the multiple translations of religious texts, the power/prejudice/limitations of language. It was very interesting. One of the examples he used was the story of Sodom and

One of the few times where I managed to say exactly the right thing at exactly the right moment was in my senior year of high school, when I mentioned to a fellow student who happened to be a conservative Mormon that my father was older than the fathers of my fellow classmates because the marriage to my mother was his

So, nothing about God helps those who help themselves, eh? It pisses me off to no end that people who are extremely emotionally and physically vulnerable are told to remain emotionally and physically loyal to the person who has so thoroughly betrayed their trust. What a blank check to the abuser, letting God be the

So, what he’s saying is you should poison your abusive spouse, right? If you’re sorry enough, you’ll be Forgiven, so it’s a win all around! Prayer fixes everything, after all.

This is an important movement. Dismantling the gross power structure in the Evangelical world is an absolute must. Not just for the well being of those in the movement (although that is the priority), but also taking steps in removing their current strangle hold on American politics.

The sexual abuse within the church is a feature, not a bug. Women are inherently inferior to men, and men own them sexually. Those beliefs, no matter how much they are couched in softer words, lead to abuse, period. Anyone who has read the bible knows that is not an accident, considering the book is full of slaves and

That isn’t at all what you said. Jesus Christ, are you not able to read?

“No witnesses of any kind.”

I’m going to be that person. It’s possible the child had development delays or other issues. Yes, it seems parents don’t give AF about what their kids do, but a lot of kids do have issues that aren’t immediately apparent. My nephew is 4 years old and shouts in public and people are extremely rude to his parents about

What they and other mouth breathing bitch ass Trump supporters don’t get, along with any type of sexual satisfaction, is that no one is trampling on the first amendment. What is being done is reminding you soulless buttplugs is that there are CONSEQUENCES to this amendment. You wanted Kap silenced? Ice T taken to task

The year was 1999. I had a black, 1999 Mustang Cobra that I had pre-ordered and waited 3 months to take delivery of. I’d lowered the vehicle, added a sub-frame kit, bought some (then) fancy Dunlop SP-9000 tires, a full cat-back exhaust. It was, in my eyes, beautiful. I loved that car, even though there was quite a bit

As heroic as these kids are, and as much as they’re doing more to hold politicians accountable than just about anyone else right now, they’re still grieving and only beginning to recover from the trauma and horror of what they experienced. Hell, for all we know, half of them may not have started recovering at all;

I’m just over this bullshit, man.

Part of why police forces need on-call social workers/shrinks when folks call dispatch. Glad your friend survived, but there have been too many folks with mental breakdown issues dying because some police officer can’t read a damn room

Step 5 is scary shit. I called an ambulance for a black vet having a psychotic episode in my back yard. He was talking to people who weren’t there and convinced that his VA caseworker had to come back and open my back gate to let him out. Just in really rough shape.