scientific nature of the whammy

The hell you say. I’m from Oklahoma, and NO ONE here would find Waco quaint or charming. When Oklahoma is snobby, that’s saying a lot. FFS, doesn’t anyone remember David Koresh?!

I took a bad, BAD turn in Dallas one night on my way to Houston, ended up on the wrong I-35. Did not realize it until I hit WACO at 2:30 am.

up high where the kids could not get at it

She obviously doesn’t know squat about the Ming Dynasty, the trade channels to the “Orient”, or the structures in Asia that to further back than any society Europeans have built.

Okay, so now HAM Solo is a thing.

Yes, I do see domestic violence in the video above. He’s threatening to shoot her father and he’s threatening to stab her. Verbal, psychological and physical threats absolutely count as domestic violence

What Gameface said. Not feeling you at all. Funny how domestic abusers “cannot control themselves when angry” and do “something regrettable” like knocking out their partner’s teeth and scaring their small children to death, yet manage to handle disagreements perfectly non-violently when on the other end of it is

No, I don’t feel you. If he had punched 2 teeth out of my daughters mouth him, his body guards, his father and his father’s father would have gotten fucked up in the street. No video, no witnesses no problem. He puts his hands on a woman, he is a weak bitch. He threatened her .....on video. Bitch assness level 10

Taking the “domestic abuse is okay sometimes” position is a bold move

I know getting away from an abusive partner is often easier said than done; but this shit escalates, usually ending with the woman or kids dead, or the woman in jail for defending herself.

Boy, the authorities are sure going out of their way to give the parents the benefit of the doubt when all signs points to they were doing bad things to those kids and this shit is very, very horrible.

1. Nope.

“all six children—who had been adopted” 

In my heart, I think that couple had murdered Devonte and his sisters. They knew that their acts of abuse were going to be uncovered, so they killed the other siblings and themselves.

text to 911 -it may be available in some markets- but it is not a universal (USA) wide thing.
tl;dr - yay for sharing the “dont call ordering pizza”
boo- for - just text 911 instead.

to explain the wall of text- i am a 30 year 911/police dispatcher. so- i know what it is like on the other end of the phone.

and to those

Thank you. People who are just “I’ll tolerate this; I’ll tolerate that, ‘cause I don’t wanna get up off my rhetorical butt and school my own artistic taste and find some other independent artists who’ve been regularly overlooked because these gasbags are taking up space.”

The APD chief’s description of the tape as about the challenges of a young man or whatever made me FURIOUS. I thought people knew better than to speak sympathetically about white terrorists after the umpteenth white mass killer.

was a quiet, “nerdy” young man who came from a “tight-knit, godly family,” said Donna Sebastian Harp, who had known the family for nearly 18 years

I feel bad for everyone involved in this whole thing but this line, which is of a type that you always here after bizarre murder sprees, floors me: