scientific nature of the whammy

It seems like a bit of a stretch to presume there are three unconnected individuals who are all equally proficient at bomb making and evading detection.

I’m kind of taken aback by all of those calling this guy stupid. He’s eventually going to get caught, but damn if he hasn’t already done more than enough damage. Stupid would have been blowing his own ass up building the bomb. He’s smart enough, that’s for sure. At this point, this is just a game and he probably

The police have shown an astounding amount of incompetence in this investigation. When the first bomb went off they released a statement saying that there were not concerned that this was an act of terror and that they hadn’t ruled out the victim blew himself up in his OWN HOME. And that was despite the family being a

The most agravating thing is that the omelet is likely so damned super cheap in Thailand while it’s going to really expensive for any of us to reproduce here stateside. I guess I’ll just have to be happy with the amount of money I’m saving in airfare.

They were a minority, you know!

On his front porch? With no evidence of bomb making materials on the premise? That’s an... odd assumption for them to make.

From what I read they actually thought the first victim was the bomb maker and had accidentally blown themselves up. So yeah.

I hope that’s it and not just APD being racist as has been known to happen.

The original assessment of an “isolated incident” must’ve been the PD trying to keep the investigation under wraps at first. Bomb makers are never an isolated incident unless they get caught immediately. The drive and obsession it takes to make fairly complex bombs is always indicative of somebody whose trying to make

I’d suggest a Go Fund Me page for the crab. I’ve seen that omelet segment about four times now, and it’s sheer size and deliciousness makes want to go to Thailand to look up that woman and eat her damned dish.

You guys, my sister has just become a full-fledged card-carrying member of the Catholic Church and I have very mixed feelings about it. She was a notorious party-girl type and lived quite a full life and has the emotional and mental scars to prove it. She’s always been a bit of a lost soul who tried on personalities

The Catholic Church was asking for it when they invited Buress to perform. It’s the church’s fault, and they need to repent for what they’ve done and then they need to be quiet about it because no one will believe them anyway.

Idea: Clarissa hasn’t married Sam, but the show starts as Sam comes back from “finding himself” abroad, sparking memories of a youthful near-romance between the two. Clarissa wouldn’t trade her husband, Richard Dalloway, for anyone, but this series explores the nostalgia of a more innocent, pre-9/11 era and the

Her character wasn’t supposed to end up with either guy and the screenwriter was pretty mad they ended up changing things.

Where are their parents? Like do they even care?

I am an immigrant & live in a neighborhood of immigrants. While I am also a naturalized citizen, I have been made more acutely aware of the fact that I am an immigrant since since 9/11/2001. It’s only gotten worse since Trump’s ascendance. I’m glad you’re able to be encouraging. I’m not.

That America in addition to being racist as fuck is colorist as fuck, which we already knew. I never can understand why (dumb) people think that white people and institutions don’t engage in colorism.

I don’t think he’s an easy target, I think he provides a more complex view of the issue because he’s a person of color. Like, G-Eazy and Post Malone ain’t worth spending any time meditating on, but what does it mean that America loves Black music when it’s coming from an “acceptable” person of color?

That’s my point, though. Just because a network can find someone who might argue that “they had it coming” doesn’t mean that they must put those people on TV. I mean, they have literally put flat-earthers on television; for what purpose?

Personally, I’d be tempted to clean out Sephora and a bookstore.