
It also makes you wonder: If he’s willing to cover up running a stop sign, what else would he cover up? There’s a reason for the maxim Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus: “[a] witness who is willfully false in one material part of his or her testimony is to be distrusted in others.”

I’d say 2nd place is the journalist whose name I always forget

And the ever-popular “furtive movements”

Murdr, the new peer-to-peer “networking” app

There isn’t an umpire more widely despised by MLB players than Ángel Hernández

Here’s my unofficial Philly Celebrity rankings by national fame:

It’s the ultimate “I want to speak with the manager” move.

This is a good point, which reminds me of something George W. Bush said in 2007: “People have access to health care in America. After all, you just go to an emergency room.”
That’s not the point and you know it, George.

Well we can’t have it being... what’s the word... skanky!

I am binge-watching this show right now and the storyline where David gets a job there and redecorates it to look like an haute fashion retailer, complete with giant black ostrich sculpture, is one of my favorite parts of the season.

Better to be bored than panicked!

Was I the only one who laughed when they showed that Jaime and Cersei could have survived by just, like... stepping over to the other side of the room?

Oh, wait: You meant ads for the Tolkien biopic starring the About A Boy kid.

The best thing to say about that scene was that you coulda worn it to the Met Gala, cause it was Camp.

Can someone talented in video editing make a mash-up of Dany’s face and the Kill Bill Siren/Klaxon thing? Cause that’s what this felt like.

This Reddit post from @BryndenBFish predicted it 3 years ago:

They should make like Scotland and get into the whisky and tourism business!

This is like a final exam nightmare you’d have if you fell asleep watching the Oscars.”

I remember a conversation I had with my mom in late 2015/early 2016 about this. She, a relatively centrist-liberal Boomer, surprised me by saying she was thinking of voting for Sanders in the primary. I told her that while I was ideologically closer to him, I was worried that he might lose if Trump was the nominee due