It happened three months before William’s first child was born:
It happened three months before William’s first child was born:
Yeah, the only way Sansa’s attitude makes sense is if she wants the North to be an independent kingdom, which I guess might have been feasible before so much of it was destroyed by the dead (and other recent wars), but now winter has arrived and almost every major northern house is extinct. Like, if you had to choose…
Definitely, but I think Rodriguez’s point was that even under absolute primogeniture, where gender is irrelevant to succession, Jon’s claim is senior by being a child of the eldest heir.
This is exactly the issue, that “Leave” could encompass so many things there is no majority for anything. One MP made a thread of a bunch of Leave voters in his district who emailed him, each wanting something different. Does Leave mean something like May’s deal? No deal? Norway+ (EEA/EFTA)? A permanent customs union?…
I hadn’t thought of this, but donating the excess to local charities and places like that is a good idea. Otherwise if you have more in your account at the end of the year than you were planning you could end up with a closet full of ibuprofen.
I still think it’s a typo, but likely doesn’t get picked up as often because “possible” or “considerable” is still a correctly spelled word so it doesn’t get the red line in the browser or word processing software.
Oh man. 99-03 here. I can’t even listen to Taking Back Sunday anymore without being plunged back into the angsty depths of adolescence...
Does Manfred care’s clear that Belichick is the advantage. If the man had best practices that were easy to emulate, the Lions wouldn’t be dogshit right now. His big and addled football mind is the key to it all...
His mother had stage five breast cancer when he was a teenager
Real boyhood was also awesome!
My favorite (favourite?) bit of parliamentary trivia from Wikipedia:
I’ve found that if you go to your “Watch History” and remove the videos you don’t like it decreases the frequency with which the algorithm recommends that stuff
This is an excellent point. As nice as it would be to embrace “when they go low, we go high”, the fact is that strategy has not worked in delivering actual benefits to people. We see this in places like Michigan and North Carolina, where even when Republicans lose they try to pass laws preventing others from…
I, for one, am just glad I no longer have to worry about getting my Hakstols and my Hextalls mixed up.
Sometimes I feel like English needs a grammatical “order of operations” rule: (infirm AND helpless) OR (total assholes)
Came here for this joke, was not disappointed.
What the fuck is a "Chicken Medium"?
Gargano or Cataldi?