
For a long time I thought the Club was going to take the belts to be like an interim heel champ, and then drop them to Enzo and Cass who would ALSO have them forever. The shoddy booking of the Club and the weird insistence on Sheamus and Cesaro being a thing is making me…less optimistic, we'll say. (Optimistic in the


Okay, I forgot about that fight in the kitchen in TLD, that one absolutely rules - and, sadly enough, one that Bond isn't actually part of.


Yeah, I actually thought Wendell was canonically dead?

And then Freet happens!

I've often wondered if that was his doing, or more to do with blocking/direction. I try really hard to defend a few of the 80s Bond movies, but John Glen is such an aggressively bland director I almost wondered if maybe he didn't know what to do with himself. I feel like Campbell would have made him look pretty good

I fucking love Hisaishi as a composer, so I'm already pretty on board with this

Lesnar is the Emerald Weapon from FF7?

Put Phillip Chan in the Wilford Brimley role and we'll talk!

No shit, I…don't know how I feel about that. I do really wanna see the extended cut though.

Melted cheese on corn Chex is blowing my goddamn mind over here

Did Van Damme have some kind of say in this? First I've heard of this, I'm interested to learn what he did

Ugh, I have a huge and unjustified soft spot for Rising Sun, so I'm so down for this now

Shit, I am just now learning about this and I need to watch this so badly now

The conversation between him and Bond about being a "problem eliminator" in his office isn't exactly a De Palma masterclass in filmic tension, but it shows an aspect of Bond you don't get in the movies a lot anymore where he tries to get in good with the bad guy to get close to him. Happened a lot in the books, and I

Agreed fully. He COULD work within the Hollywood system, but it clearly wasn't going to produce his best work.

SHIT THAT'S RIGHT! I saw LTK years before I knew anything about Twin Peaks, and I always had a nagging sense I knew Big Ed from somewhere.

Being 12 when it came out I drank the Limp Bizkit kool-aid hard, so that helped. I will also argue it's the only M:I movie where Ethan doesn't have to go work on his own, outside the IMF to solve a problem.