
I have the Blu-ray, I believe it has both but during my recent Alien binge I was in kind of a hurry so I just watched the theatrical cut. Evidently I'd seen Resurrection when I was younger and labored under the delusion that was Alien 3 the whole time, so I wanted to at least say I'd seen 3.

Agreed on both counts: Kojima is the reason I know about House of Leaves, and maybe if we became friends he'd let me motion-capture the new Otacon or something.

You know, for a guy with Jesus in your name you're being awfully dismissive about a movie with "Resurrection" in the title!

EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD: My girlfriend and I made the arbitrary decision to go to Milwaukee this summer via train after I drunkenly made a Wayne's World reference and then we decided to see if there was anything cool to do there.

Steffan Moppet.

That's the exact moment I knew I was happy I switched to Windows Phone: it knew Ghostbusters was a word.

Came here hoping to be the first person to mention MxPx in this thread; strangely relieved to find I'm not. MxPx was the first concert I went to in my life that wasn't Weird Al, and it was okay. I found out about Ultimate Fakebook because of that concert, though, and those guys rule.

I was pretty into MxPx in eighth and ninth grade, and I don't think I was aware they identified as being Christian at the time. They don't really beat you over the head with it, and most of their lyrics were pretty typical 90's-2000's skate punk fodder with the occasional Jesus aside that I guess I just didn't notice.

I've never seen Hold Steady live (I did see Craig touring behind "Clear Heart" which totally owned) and now I already know to be disappointed!

200 million dollars, Martin Campbell directing, and the best possible casting for Kilowog and Sinestro? The HELL happened?!

I will argue until I am blue in the face, primarily using subjective
opinions and things I can't back up, that Alien Resurrection is still
the third best Alien movie. 3 sucks!

There's an extra in the big huge fancy collector's or whatever edition Prometheus Blu-ray that features a small number of 'journal entries' written by Weyland himself, one of them directly references the issues Tyrell Corp was running into with the Nexus series. I'm pretty sure Scott always intended them to be the

Cool Story Time: A friend of mine living in LA and her boyfriend bumped into Michael Keaton whilst barhopping one night, he was supercool and let everyone take pictures with him. As he left someone noticed he was driving a Prius. The phrase "Batman Left In A Prius" would pepper our conversations for weeks afterward.

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

The ones that can't be broken down into those two can fall under the "Ray Stantz/Freddy" purview.

Tell me "Chips Ahoy!" would be the same song without that organ break in the middle. Franz ruled.

Kojima is the only reason I had any interest in Only God Forgives and/or The Place Beyond the Pines, since he kept going on about them on Twitter.

Lane, I've been going to this high school for seven-and-a-half years…

I'm having a hard time recalling any Sideshow Bob episodes after this one, truthfully. I'm sure I'll eventually get to them in my rewatching, but I saw this one within a year or two if it airing and even then thinking "man, what if that was the last Bob episode?". The idea that there's any after this one just