
Shit, did they? I will re-award those points and deduct them from myself instead.

I found myself giggling at their Iron Man lyrics while reading this on my phone at work. I might have been in the bathroom.

I couldn't agree more. Whenever the question would come up I used to suggest Incredibles and Wall-E just due to my love of Wall-E as a film…until it dawned on me that there is nothing else we need to do with the Wall-E universe and making a sequel, prequel, or anything would be the worst.

Someone on the Long Goodbye article suggested I watch The Player as my second Altman movie since Long Goodbye is the only one I've ever seen and I adore it. The phrase "acrid and cynical" reaffirms this suggestion for me.

something something "quiet part quiet"

What about Jason Everman? He was on the goddamn cover of "Bleach" playing that rad-ass Telecaster! COME ON, PEOPLE!

Allegedly, the conversation went something like "Why does Harold's character sound just like Harold but I sound like Garfield?"

Cool Story Bro: I just bought the Scud: The Disposable Assassin Sega Saturn game and there's a big Dead Alewives ad in the back of the instruction manual. I have heard that D&D sketch dozens of times and had no idea who it was.

Cinematic Titanic is also a rare example of, arguably, a spin off of a spin off as I believe Rifftrax started first. CT is pretty funny, but they lost some points with me for re-doing Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

I personally feel that was a good thing, but then the quality also really fluctuates from movie to movie. In my personal experience, I felt like the live show for Starship Troopers was way funnier than the one for Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Man, you're pretty good. You must've gotten up at THREE AM to think of all these puns!

You could say everyone's a little BENT out of shape about this issue!


I'm the Space Goblin, and I'm here to say that staying in school is a-okay!

I'm not super familiar with the man's work, but if this movie is at all connected to The Stuff then it's worth a watch. I saw The Stuff last summer immediately after seeing Terrorvision for the first time and I loved it.

Too much recasting will kill you.

I can picture it already! Anthony Hopkins grilling Claire Bloom about macaroons when suddenly Denholm Elliott blasts a Camaro into their house…

I saw Popeye in elementary school, actually, so I guess that brings my list to TWO whole Altman movies! I don't remember how I felt about it, though, and I feel like time's ravages may not be particularly kind to it if/when I go back to revisit it.

Going by what everyone's posted here I'm going to…tell my friend…to watch The Player and MASH first. I feel like I have some vague memory of The Player from my youth, maybe my dad owned it on VHS or something.

Did you see the Director's Cut of Watchmen or just the theatrical version? It manages to make the theatrical cut look faithful and pristine, somehow. Also it's bad.