
You really need a history lesson. You do know Spain conquered right, like a lot? They conquered so much they have a term for the peoples they conquered: Hispanics.

I tend to agree though. I don’t need to hear royalty speak, they’re titles mean nothing. They didn’t earn it, they were born with it. 

Fine with me but leave my It’s Always Sunny alone

By destabilizing you mean moving from one despot to another. big whoop

You must of missed HBO’s The Watchmen

I see people on both sides not wearing masks every day. As more of a centrist it always amazes me how narrow viewed both sides can be.

I disagree. The good cops, the fluffy sensitive cops don’t want to be hated by the community so they might last a few years tops before they move on to a a different career. The asshole cops will stick around, they don’t care what the community thinks of them.

From my understanding they quit because they were “just following orders” and think their superior should be punished instead 

Well if a person breaks into your home while your still there you won’t know they’re intentions so its best to play it safe.

The Wire is simply the best show ever made in my taste of film. I’ve probably seen it front to back 5-7 times

This isn’t the time to be spending money needlessly 

We all know china’s cases are much much higher. They kicked out western media weeks ago 

You just have to spend 5 minutes looking at Chinese wild animal markets and realize ‘yeah i could totally see this happening.’

That saying is so old those kids are now adults 

I don’t really have money set aside but i can mess up my credit cards if need be 

its a double edged sword. on one hand they made him a lot of money and on the other they tarnished his work 

Sounds more like the punisher 

We always were 

I’m not surprised some huge corporation is capitalizing on a crisis