
Mazda is offering AWD on all their models now except the Miata.

And we were all better because of it. I can almost go on a steak-umm’s twitter rant right now  

You seriously think we treat animals as good as humans? Could you perhaps explain? I mean we cant kill other people for food. We can’t breed other people for profit. We can’t kill other people without consequence for the most part. And many more animals are kept in cages than people, the difference is at the end of

Someone please take me back to the fucking 80's

Nice strawman. Yeah lets ban food... fuckin’ idiot

It’s what happens when people acquire insane wealth. The money replaces their brain cells

When i think of the Black Widow movie I think of a PG 13 John Wick which is just lame. 

I’m surprised Disney hasn’t bought the franchise yet

Starting to look like its gonna be a second term for Trump. 

This is a fantastic step in the right direction, more needs to be done be this a good start. Animals don’t have a voice of their own, we have to give them one. 

Are you saying there’s a fine line between torturing a dog to death and killing an insect? Seems like a huge overreach to me.

Are you saying you should be able to torture animals to death because some humans can’t treat other humans with decency? Because that’s what it sounds like. 

Sennheiser for life

This is partly why i don’t use replaceable atomizers/pods. Its super easy to build your own with the right tank, just a coil and a some cotton wick. Not all vapers!

He doesn’t care if he’s over his head, he doesn’t have too. He’ll just hire the smartest people to figure it out for him while he just sits back. Damn what it must be like to be rich

This is Guillermo’s natural habitat. You could at least give the guy the benefit of the doubt considering all the fantastic things he has made. It’s like; you don’t know what’s going, don’t want too, and at the same time saying that his decisions are questionable. Can you see where i’m coming from?

What are you talking about in particular? I feel like I missed someting

She did two pull ups in one shot. Not exactly what I would call impressive. 

What a hipster thing to say

I think it’s just the inequality of it all. Like how Oprah was shipping in $100,000's water during a california drought just so she could water her lawn. Inequality pisses people off.