
Been a nightmare though, all these acestream links going down

He’s screaming bloody murder then a dude just non chalantly walks trough it haha

I honestly thought a lot of it was just people at a high living standard not willing to lower it. But wow that’s insane.

If that’s the case i don’t get how people making 20k a year working minimum wage can not be homeless. Are all the fast food and entre level workers homeless and starving?

This guy is on a whole ‘nother level compared to that sobbing dude

I bet this dumbass feels stupid for living in Georgia now.

Properly disciplined... oh yeah

Yes, it’s a recent white trend. Now avocados are more expensive. Thanks Becky.

They might not but they can. A one party system with a one party army.

You say that with such certainty.

That’s the first thing I took away from this article. This is straight up propaganda in itself. Just like Breitbart or Fox. I’m cool with being left but not left or die.

The human population is already exploding. Is this to propel our demise faster?

I got my first motorcycle when i was 6. Ye old honda 50cc. But maybe those early years taught me some things because after so many wrecks I became more and more cautious.

Give them a settlement that’ll bankrupt that fucking county.

Kid took out the trash.

You’re not hungry, if you were hungry you wouldn’t care what you eat as long as it’s substantial. You can find better excuses, or rather you can’t. If people had to kill their own animals and see the life drain from their eyes maybe they would appreciate meat more, and use it more sparingly.

Dan Harmon; the guy trying to get his fan to commit suicide.

We had to make tortillas

What is with white people and avocado toast

There’s more to it then just what it does for you. It takes a lot more resources to make meat than other food sources. Most diets could use less meat for the benefit of the world.