
If someone told me i was good at making money i’d take it a compliment. You seem to be easily insulted.

He’s an iOS developer, no surprise.

1st world problems.

*cereal yo

Actually stock car racing got started racing in the twisty roads in the hills of the south. And those roads do get twisty.

Now we just have to fork over $40,000 a year for the foreseeable future just to keep him from hurting anyone else.

So instead of equality reverse discrimination?

I’m still waiting for 4k monitors that run at 120hz. Even 4k at 75-90hz would be pretty sweet.

Is there a way we can keep these people at burning man?

Sorry if you took that personal. I wasn’t actually expecting you to read it. You know how the internet is, totally impersonal and anonymous. In reality, i’m glad you’re okay. Thankfully it combusted when you were aware of it and not while you were sleeping or something.

You might be forgetting they’re a business not a charity. Imagine the outrage if Apple started doing a men only scholarship.

I’m talking about the real world.

If you’re dumb enough to buy a $1,900 bag then you deserve it

Or those American script kiddies who call themselves Poodlecorps?

It’s an easy way of seeing who’s young and dumb at least.

This is gizmodo? It’s hard to tell sometimes.

Wait what, did you forget about those man made islands?

*gasp* A gun, get it away from me!

It would be nice if it blew in another political party