
When fighting a modern force you have to remember MAD. Because when it gets down to the nitty gritty, nukes will be fired.

Does the same damage but cost’s 1oox more? What an improvement.

The elephants will be long dead before the government cracks down on it enough. I don’t even think its possible for the government to stop it, not as long as people keep thinking ivory potions are going to make their dick bigger or whatever it’s supposed to do.

I feel like you’re trying to downplay the Ivory trade in China. Don’t put words in my mouth I know India has a very large population and is involved in this but not to the same extent. This article so happens to be about Ivory trade, not only that but gave me flashbacks of this Chinese “company” killing furry mammals

I don’t know man, getting eaten alive starting with your bottom sounds like a pretty rough way to go. I wont say those slaughterhouse videos are any better, but i don’t know how many times i have to tell you this. I am not talking about factory farms.

Yep, we all end up dying. Nothing new there

I thought I made it clear i wasn’t talking about factory farms? None of the ranchers nearest to me even brand anymore. Of course the market isn’t as big as the super sells at the grocery store where you get a pound of meat for 2 dollars but it’s actually not too bad cost wise buying a cow that’s had a happy long life

Just like in the wild, they’re happy until a pack of jackals eats them alive starting from the asshole.

I singled out China because of its population.

Indeed, American’s are cruel bastards. But that’s not the issue with this article, it’s the Chinese buying all these ivory and horns. Before I criticize a nation should I criticize all others too so everything can be nice and fair so no one gets butt hurt?

Stiches!?! ah man, thanks for the nostalgia trip.

I live in a rural area. The only fast food place in my town is a Subway. I wasn’t talking about factory farms. The original question was “are you a vegetarian?” So I gave a personal answer.

It gets to graze in beautiful open fields with protection from predators. it gets to raise its young and see them grow up. It gets see the seasons and hear the song birds. it gets to enjoy life and do what all of us are born to do, reproduce. till one day its time has come. Just like it will for all of us.

I eat hunted meat no problem. Little picky about my farm meat, luckily I know some local farmers that treat their animals well before they’re slaughtered. Everything deserves a chance at life.

Yeah I didn’t mean to downplay the cruelty in other countries. It just seems particularly so there. And with some of the rarest animals too

God damn Chinese, cruel bastards when it comes to animals.

The soundtrack messed everything up. Otherwise pretty sweet. Owls are awesome.


They’re called mosquito fish

And then one of the sons is gonna spend 20 years tunneling through the wall and climb through a tunnel full of shit and move down to mexico with morgan freeman.