
Keep doing you man, no one knows your life struggles except you. Maybe if they did they would know why you’re such an asshat.

Ah, I should of figured you deviated from the topic at hand.

So you’re saying education is going to increase if we get rid of the professors? mkay

Or you can just get a kayak.

Eye for an eye. It works.

Well no.. because the point is about recycling plastic. And most coffee makers use paper filters.

I’m on a budget too. And it’s actually CHEAPER to own a PC. A few grand can get you enthusiast grade hardware, you could get a full on high end liquid cooled SLI/Crossfire beast with that, which would be totally unnecessary. $500 gets you a pc that’s better than a PS4 and actually pretty damn close to performance to a

That’s true. The energy density in one of those could be considered a bomb.

Oh i’m not scared, just intrigued. Death comes for us all one way or another.

hahaha, alright you win. I am defeated.

Yeah that’s dead on. Pretty scary thought, they could just fly right into a stadium.

People in the bombing business also tend to be unpredictable. Nice to know there are some experts on the issue here though, keep those servers safe yo.

What happens when people start strapping bombs to these things?

I already see the internet enough on the internet, i don’t need to see it being applied to real life.

Life sucks and then you die.

Making money by posting other people’s shit. No originality, no substance, no nothing. Jesus fucking Christ.

It definitely shortens their hearing. Probably knocks a few marbles loose after a while too.

I feel sad for the woman. Seemed like a genuinely good person and far too many of them are dying young. However I don’t blame the tiger. If I was caged up all my life by my own or another species i’d like to think i’d lash out at some point too.

“over falling sea levels which would only have the effect of opening up more land for people” You sure about that?

That would be my nightmare.