
ewww nirvana

“python was found caught under a tree that had fallen” probably was on its way out

Good shit.

Whadduyo do if you don’t mind me asking? Downtime sounds good

I still don’t understand why the government would make a task force of death row super villains, even if it’s deniable. Just seems like the dumbest idea.

I don’t understand why the hired her in the first place. They could of avoided all this if they just hired what they wanted.

Tigers are so beautiful and deadly. It just amazes me

“it wouldn’t” That’s like, your opinion man.

Wolves live there already

“For safety” lol

I own a car. I do all my own fluid changes and tire rotating and some other minor things. The cost isn’t going to be that much more. Especially if they’re electric, so many less moving parts. I mean the price will be pretty high at first since you’ll have to buy them brand new.

Well if you’re talking about cost, an apache isn’t even relevant. Its going to cost more for regular maintenance on your car than the software updates and hardware. Software updates are free, or probably will be with competition. The hardware will last, especially if they use powerful components. They’ll probably make

“Imagine being stuck behind one of these things.” Would it be any different than being stuck behind anyone else? If im not driving, i can be much more patient and willing to go slower. Pull up my laptop, read some news, watch a show, play a game. It might be the only time of the day I’ll be able to relax compared to

“Where has technology truly helped mankind and made society better?” really? REALLY? The preservation of humanity is helping mankind which is what tech is all about. Speaking of technology you do know the freedom automobiles are apart of that? Reducing the time it takes to get from point A to B is technology.

You don’t have to have the sensors exposed. Infact, a lot them can be internal. You have no faith. Look at the apache helicopter, tons of sensors and it proves itself over and over in combat in worse conditions.

Also, you’re missing the analogy; My computer case is the car, the parts in it are the computer/sensors.

Its bad scenario I agree. But at least for the most part the car is keeping him off the wheel for the most part. And besides, the software will get better, you can’t just hand the car to someone instantaneous expecting them to ready at a moments notice, that’s asking for trouble. That would also be more of a rare

Why not just put it inside the car? Derp

I’m not saying things won’t go wrong. I just think they’ll go wrong a lot less. And airline pilots have to undergo so much training I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t use autopilot at all. But the 18 year old who just got a 5.0 and doesn’t know how to drive it, i’d rather him be on autopilot haha.

My pro list for driverless car’s is not being mowed down by some moron.

I’ve had the same PC case for the last 10 years but it has brand new parts in it.