
You obviously didn’t even read the article you fucking moron.

If there’s such limitations then why are they even working on it? At least what they “see” is a constant. There wont be a mix of sober ones, and totally intoxicated ones, ones that are eating a cheeseburger and on the phone at the same time. Humans get so distracted.

Optimistic compared to human drivers that is. I’m pretty sure a driverless car will be able to sense you before it rear ends you at a stop light going 50. Plus, it won’t ever get intoxicated, it wont ever get tired, it’ll never get distracted, they won’t drive like hooligans, they won’t road rage. I think you’re a

There are no winners in a knife fight; just varying degrees of losers.

Haha indeed. At least any kind of weapon


Pffft haha, that was pathetic. Move along amateur

Sorry asshole you didn’t ruin my day, that was already spoiled in a headline. Not that I care much anyway the show is pretty shitty, that’s why i haven’t even kept up. And you’re the one being a douche. I don’t mind them talking about the episode with spoilers in the actual article, but putting it in the headline is

I’ve been eating peanut butter banana mayo sandwiches since i was a kid, my grandfather got me into it. It sounds disgusting and maybe i just acquired the taste but its pretty damn good.

*also when i was a kid no one else ate this shit so i thought it was really weird, but for some reason i clearly remember watching

What the fuck? Why? WHY?

Can’t even find a place to rent in New York. How the hell does this add up?

Don’t be dense. You can talk about the show without announcing it to everyone.

What’s with all the cager’s hating on cyclists, runners, and bikers. Don’t you guys ever see the shit you do?

Yeah every cop in the US is a racist fuck

Holy fuck that’s impressive

Capitalism 101: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Robots are only going to make it worse.

Yup, knew the ‘experts’ were gonna come around and cry for attention

“i’ll work all night, if it meant nothing got done.”

Well that was pretty dumb