
Please let this be true. This family needs to drown in the diarrheal quicksand of their own making.  

“...all while harboring an increasingly dangerous secret.”

IIRC, courts can invalidate NDAs and they cannot be used to conceal illegal behavior. It’s time to spill your guts, Ms. Wolkoff.

Ah yes, the country that declares the Men’s World Cup trophy (created by a Frenchman and awarded by an organization based in Switzerland) is “coming home” anytime they string a couple of victories together is schooling us on arrogance. Got it.

Maybe your left-leaning friends have an aversion to reading bullshit.

Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

Blackface. Blackface is not allowed.

If by “nothing,” you mean blackface, then, yes; it is not allowed.

Yeah, pushback against practices with historical and sustained racist connotations is just “fragile feelings”

Because of history, those things are not equivalent. Blackface was once used in a way that dehumanized the people it was portraying: it is a part of a racist legacy. Even if the person doing it now has zero intention of doing anything racist, the act itself has a long history of racism attached to it, and it’s not

“isn’t it about time to take a more nuanced look..”

No. White washing is when studios cast white people. It has nothing to do with cosplay or halloween costumes. It is a winnable situation if you think first.

Hey: nah. Blackface is bad. Darkening your skin tone to alter your perceived race, even for cosplay, is bad.

Just...just wear the clothes. We know who it is, the costume’s good and fine on its own, there’s no need to Blackface it up. Jesus, why is this so hard?

I was too young to follow the scandal at that time, but did people REALLY not find any fault with his credibility in this interview?

I do believe he made the word “harm” do a LOT of work to obscure his misdeeds, but watching the Bashir documentary “Living With Michael Jackson,” what I am struck by is that he stringently claimed that his relationships with children were appropriate, innocent, and non-sexual in THE SAME INTERVIEW where he absolutely

Yes, if the boys are to be believed (which I absolutely do) he ran drills with them how not to get caught. He knew it was wrong, he knew the consequences. He was a sick fuck who thought what he was doing was fine. Gaslighting. threatening... Watching the documentary, I was like, fuck, this was all so obvious. So

They should have canceled SMILF for being called SMILF.

This was definitely one of those shows where “critics loved it” but I never heard of it outside those circles. I’m sure the first season did okay, regardless.

God he was so hard to watch.  Wade Robson seemed like he was in a much better place about things (though he might just have had a better game face), but James looked so anguished and uncomfortable the entire time.