
TMI, Goop!

indeed. i’m relieved to see other people confronted the attacker. kudos to them and i hope for speedy recoveries. i have no faith in the bmore popo tho... i have doubts that what passes for an investigation around here will lead to anything meaningful. hopefully they prove me wrong.

I still remember my Tonka dump truck. One of my favorite toys. I was so mad when I found out my dad gave it away (when I was in my early twenties). My parents were great about indulging my love of tools - to the point that they got me little versions of a hammer, a T square and some other shit. I built stuff with it.

I got a lab diamond in a nice setting off ebay for $20 a few years back, for my mom. No one can tell. I love the idea of making one’s own though.

yep. Since she found it, I’d say it was worth it.

have you seen the old Steve Martin movie Parenthood? That happens in the movie - retainer gets thrown out in Chuckee Cheese trash - and when Steve is complaining like why are we doing this?! Mom (Mary Steenburgen) replies that if he’d lost $400 in the trash, he’d look for it. - I actually agree with that.

I made my own dress for about $45. I plan on keeping it to wear out again, maybe on anniversaries. It also isn’t all white (white skirt with black lace top and pink band around the waist), so I was practical in many ways.

what’s really ridiculous is that an excellent documentary was made about this and there was literally no reason to dramatize it. it even has a way better name: Man on Wire

oh and i’ll add: the other driver was uninsured. i had to sue my own insurance company to get a paltry settlement that took 3 years to come through. i went back to work after 3 weeks, in a lot of pain but incredibly bored. my mom had a chronic illness that prevented her from working at all. this situation may look

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i broke 7 ribs and a collarbone, collapsed a lung and injured a host of internal organs on my way to work when a driver ran a red light at 70 mph (according to witnesses) about 10 years ago. i wasn’t injured permanently, thankfully.. i don’t make much money but i’m okay with my job in basic science research. your

from the same company that likely pays children to grind out their clothes, i expect nothing less than total shitbaggery.

good luck to you (I hope you can get some support) and kudos for being able to admit it’s not for you.

I was once judgmental about this sort of situation, until i fostered a dog like the one in the story. it’s actually scary after awhile and very humbling. i own 3 rescues and have fostered many. if you don’t understand the situation, go do rescue work, especially in a place like NYC. you’ll get it eventually.

as other commenters are noting, people in Japan on longer trains definitely eat on board.. in fact, they sell bento boxes at the stations especially for that purpose. as for the subway tho, no way.. it’s too crowded most of the time anyway. also, a few years ago, an 11 year old girl was arrested in DC for eating


I’ve had a lot of problems with nurses who questioned the care doctors were giving my (now deceased) mother. the worst was when they thought she was getting too much pain medication prescribed to her and wanted to lower the dosage while she was in the hospital (??!!) I had to threaten them and they backed down. All in

my father detests it when people interrupt him, and will complain about it all the time.. in fact, he’ll even interrupt you to do it

Devil in the White CIty was great. I also loved War and Peace - worth the effort and didn’t take as long as I thought it would. If you like nonfiction, John Krakauer has written some great books but I haven’t read all of them. Into Thin Air was really good, and a very intense story about basically normal folks caught

milkin that cash cow for every disgusting dime

from Forbes: “A recent report has found that the United States is the only advanced economy that does not require employers to provide paid vacation time. Almost 1-in-4 Americans do not receive any paid vacation or paid holidays, trailing far behind most of the rest of the world’s rich nations, according to the