damn Patti, couldn’t fit Brutanunanulewski in there?
damn Patti, couldn’t fit Brutanunanulewski in there?
i’m grey. same thing.
Aussies love the word. Australia, and I guess also New Zealand are the only countries on earth that use it that gratuitously. in the US you’ll hear something like shithead or fucker far more often
I’ve been to around 40 countries and I find that for me, the pace depends completely on the destination. By the time I got back from Peru or China or doing the Orient Express route, I needed a vacation from my vacation. But every time I go to the Caribbean, it’s pretty much maxin and relaxin.
I've seen $6 Voss. It's some bullshit, cuz it comes free outta my tap.
Fair enough, but how often do you thumb through your collection just looking at the covers? Just curious, to each their own.
Buying water is one of the weirdest things about modern life, in my opinion. I grew up in a world where if people were thirsty, they waited until they got home and then had a drink. There weren't convenience stores and vending machines on every block. That said, if you MUST have your water why not get a nice bottle…
someone presenting their opinion as fact OMG it's so adorable!
I was nearly driven to murder by a neighbor .. he was retarded, and would play Rick Ross' Every Day I'm Hustlin at full volume over and over
seriously. the pose is fine by me buttttt wtf.. one of those ladies has a pancake butt.
Singles actually stands up to rewatching well. i'll give it to Cameron Crowe for making a great 90s movie. After seeing this article, I'm so glad I left Winona with Heathers, and didn't let this awful flick ruin her for me - by seeing it.
in the book A visit From the Goon Squad, in the future, it's cool for no one to have tattoos.. they call it being clean
people do vile things all the time. what he did is disgusting, and i guess, luckily the world has you to remind them of it. but you may consider that you could put your efforts into far more productive causes.
i sure am glad people on the internet aren't able to judge me for everything i did when i was sixteen.
S8er Boi? meaning Satyr boy? sounds pretty grown up to me /haha
kudos. i totally agree.
what's so ironic about it too is that when one considers the problem that the planet will confront when it finally admits to overpopulation, i think having children is one of the most selfish things a person can do.
you feel like i did when everyone went gaga over Kevin Costner. I do think Ryan G is hot as hell though.