
what's so ironic about it too is that when one considers the problem that the planet will confront when it finally admits to overpopulation, i think having children is one of the most selfish things a person can do.

you feel like i did when everyone went gaga over Kevin Costner. I do think Ryan G is hot as hell though.

I've worked in medical research for over ten years- at Hopkins and UMD and have seen lots of women have babies while completing their PhDs. don't rule it out completely. it seems crazy but if you know you want kids, why not go for it? there will probably never be a time when you can relax and sit back and say ok, i'm

if only we had a structured system of health care in this country that included comprehensive mental health coverage we might really be able to answer those questions.

i had to read that line twice to absorb it because i had the same thought.

sarcasm doesn't always prove the point.

sad that you won't wake up to the reality of human trafficking and how sex work/prostitution is related to it. the fact is, those of you choosing the life of sex worker, positive or not, are in the minority

I'm from Baltimore, but I totally agree about the tourists, really in most big cities. I don't watch Bones, or NCIS but i find it hilarious that they apparently say 'the 495' HAHAHA never heard that one.

proof you can have everything and still have nothing. i'd be interested to hear from this kid in twenty years. love the reader comments stressing exercise...if this family lives in a luxury apartment, i bet they take the elevator every day.

this is comedy gold. i wish dave chapelle was still around to spoof this stuff