
Wrestling with this issue right now and the answer I came up with is that it is ok to sell a gift 2 years after you received it. Do it sooner and feelings can get hurt.

I always mention Beltran when someone talks about Jeter’s post season “dominance.”

Lebron is just as bad as MJ at GMing.

Oh yeah how about that Aaron Gordon? When are you and Burneko gonna eat some damn crow on that? I think I deserve it after you both tried to embarrass me publicly here for saying he was an AVERAGE modern power forward before the season started.

Because they think he is creepy but not illegal. He left his girlfriend for her 17 year old adopted daughter. It’s gross, but not illegal. The pedophile thing very few people actually believe, not because of the victim, but because of the crazy mother.

Adam Savage liberated from Mythbusters is a joy.

Ummm you dont watch them play do you? Wiggins is 10x more active on defense, getting steals, closing out, switching and keeping his man in front of him. Last night the suns were just plain hot, because regardless of whether wiggins or butler guarded warren or booker they scored efficiently.

It’s common knowledge Jenny McCarthy auditioned for under siege 2 and that the first thing he said to her was along the lines of take off youre clothes and bang me for this part.

Not even close....

Just hahahahahahahahahaha. Idiot.

Its worse than that. She got pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn child, they stayed close but the relationship couldnt survive the trauma of a lost kid. Less than a year later she died as well, and is buried next to their child.

I was lower income living in one of the richest school districts in the country. I had a friend I was on a play date with listen to my living circumstances in horror, which wasn’t my intention, and then go to the desk in his room, open a wooden box and take out what was easily close to a $1000 in cash and offer to

To paraphrase South Park, the guy is a right wing loony racist alchoholic abusive psychopath but he sure has talent. I mean honestly in the scheme of things Mel has nothing on John Landis and Roman Polanski, and those guys are allowed to work as well. Dont get me started on all the creep surrounding Bryan Singer, who

Intolerence and bigotry is the norm for humans. Have a queer town and the three cis strait people will be bullied because all people suck. Being gay or trans or whatever doesnt make you a good person. It just is.

Womens indoor volleyball and softball and tennis are 10x more entertaining than womens basketball. Its just boring and not fun to watch or look at.

Have YOU ever met someone on the spectrum? I have a daughter on the spectrum, and I myself, while never diagnosed, have social and sensory issues very simialer to my daughters. The movies depcition of autism is spot on completely accurate. About 1/3 of children with autism have below average intelligence, the rest are

What was considered the worst trade ever at the tike it was made was memphis trading gasol to the lakers. No one thought marc was good so at the time it just looked like a salary dump for a top 10 player to the lakers. I actually liked that trade for memphis and marc and thought it was overblown. This trade just

What was considered the worst trade ever at the tike it was made was memphis trading gasol to the lakers. No one thought marc was good so at the time it just looked like a salary dump for a top 10 player to the lakers. I actually liked that trade for memphis and marc and thought it was overblown. This trade just

What was considered the worst trade ever at the tike it was made was memphis trading gasol to the lakers. No one thought marc was good so at the time it just looked like a salary dump for a top 10 player to the lakers. I actually liked that trade for memphis and marc and thought it was overblown. This trade just

And then he leaves for someone who would pay him the max. The new CBA says the Pelicans will not be able to offer him more money than anyone else. This isn’t the NFL.