
Ummmmmm no. Rebecca Sugar did a podcast after the show and said clearly that there will be a season 6 and that it was her idea and she runs the ship. While she did say it was the end of the originally planned arc of the show, it became clear the world and characters are rich enough for more tales.

Ok, the movie didn’t fail because of trolls. It failed because it was awful, so awful Sony didnt let critics see it before opening save for a few bloggers who had proven they had shown the movie positive coverage. They also manufactured the troll storm and you fell for it. How did they create it? In part by deleting

Who? I’m old!!!!

Anyone remember a role where Jolie wasn’t a rape survivor, orphan, or have dead kids? Cause I can’t. Seriously it’s on Mel Gibson needs to be tortured levels now.

Ok, you didn’t read what she said. She said all chores and shopping were the children’s responsibility since the moment she was adopted. I’m a stay at home dad, cleaning shopping and cooking for a medium sized household is 5-7 hours a day of real work per day. Small children doing ALL of that including food shopping

This explains so much, thank you. I bailed at lemongrab eating his twin. 

Aspects of the finale play into why I am glad I gave up on the show when lemongrab ate his clone.

Go get an md or PhD or stfu you fake fucking ally. Knowing four or five autistic people doesn’t even give you the credence to parrot what they say. Jesus, my daughter is going to have to deal with motherfuckers like you.

Saying these autistics is so massively discriminatory I am outraged your editor didn’t fire you before posting this article. I am not commenting on the substance of the article, only the flippant disregard for a gigantic subset of people with a fucking disability. I don’t know if brooklynbecky has autism and I don’t

A label that ultra liberals and gender non conformists are trying to force on people who Identify with the sex they were born with. So if your a lesbian but was born a woman and continue to identify as a woman, you would be a cis female lesbian.

Luke Cage is crap. The story of a black man not from Harlem coming into town and beating on and fighting other black men while completely ignoring the white supremacy that created the situation. He ain’t fighting corrupt police or city politicians or greedy developers, he’s fighting street level kids and taking out

Davidson is going to be a walking canvas of women’s names by the time he is 30. He’s already got at least 2.

The real Christopher Robin hated the idea of Pooh being commercialized. I wonder how he would feel about his very life being commercialized as well. He also had a very complicated relationship with his parents and his childhood. This kinda strikes me as gross, but it’s just an opinion, and I won’t hold it against

You’re comparing apples to aardvarks in a disingenuous attempt to get people to agree with you on something you are wrong about.

This is obviously written by someone who has no understanding of nature. Look, torturing other animals for fun is nature’s pasttime, killer whales ram blue whales, kill other whales babies, and baby seals for fun. Dolphins love gang raping each other to death. Otters also rape baby seals to death for fun. I don’t hear

I remember in high school when he came to my area and shot the video to we thuggin with fat joe at my best friends girlfriends house and was told to never even think of coming back for any reason after he hit on a bunch of children. Also why doesn’t anyone ever mention Aaliyah? Dude wrote and produced age ain’t nuthin

Gives the same feeling of seeing a van goph in person. Photos never do his work justice, this photo of Jupiter somehow gives the same feeling.

Counter point, Rapid Fire. Brandon Lee makes a typical b action movie a never ending barrage of fight scenes that don’t end. The party fight, the apartment hit, the restaurant shoot out, the warehouse fight and then the train track fight. It’s 80 percent action and lee was charismatic, good looking, and did his own

The 2dverse was the best tv special effect since the giant incoming ship in the original Star Trek. Blew my mind. This show is evolving well.

Awful advice on the cats, just awful. Just cause you hate cats doesn’t mean the woman writing does also. Odds are she loves them, which is why she wrote you, and that makes you insensitive and condescending.