Prime Directive

So in the regards of any future plans, titles, and such being leaked, I say “you reap what you sow.”

They are cosmetic only. I didn’t buy one of these expensive cars but I did unlock a new car via the battle pass and it’s functionally the same as the starter car. 

It is definitely just cosmetic. If they implemented P2W the game’s community would completely implode and they know it.

From what I can tell, all the cars perform identically. Which makes sense if the whole point is to sell cosmetics...and also makes a racing game a lot less interesting with no tweaks to anyone’s car setup. 

There’s definitely something sinister to early Ub Iwerks and Fleischer stuff. I think it’s a combination of the demented/hapless characters who have this kind of Mr. Bill-esque naïve detachment from what’s actually going on, plus this sense that nothing is static and therefore nothing is safe because anything can come

They released two big content patches this year, 2.0 and just this other week 2.1 that added a bunch of new stuff.

If TGA was purely an awards show, how many people would actually watch it?

Worldwide, the Nicaraguan Contras...

I am a lifelong Leftist. I am also Jewish.

I have been hesitant to say anything about this topic because I have seen some people who are pro-Palestine throw Jews as an entire group under the bus, including those of us who have never set foot in the Middle East and are equally critical of Israel’s government (including

It’s not a dumb comment, it’s a metaphor for representation in games that don’t promote violence. You’re taking it too literally, obtusely so.

Not really. The existence of NPCs you aren’t supposed to kill does not address my actual point, so I ignored it. There’s a difference between “you’re killing them because they’re Arab” and “you’re killing every Arab”.

You realize it’s a metaphor for ANY game where you aren’t killing an Arab but, instead, are interacting in a positive fashion. 

It is when every Saudi character is a terrorist.

It’s easy to be snarky here but I agree with the larger point. Arab people are seldom treated with empathy in AAA shooters. That’s the point the interviewee was trying to get across. Indie games are taking huge strides in that direction, though, and I hope that this trend reaches the mainstream at some point.

How many games are there where you shoot Americans BECAUSE they’re Americans?

i mean....Far Cry 5 was exactly that.

I don’t think this option needs to be relegated to a fictional dining simulator. The option to dine with an Arab/any perceived antagonist in Call of Duty or any game glorifying violence and have a nice little cutscene play out would add depth and be a welcome reprieve and change of pace.

Americans cope backwards and scheme forwards.

Thank you for writing this article. The dissociation and insistence on distraction or making little points to try and dismiss the heart of this - the heartbreak of this - are telling of how deeply seeded these views are. I appreciate your bringing them to light.

There are no heroes in this conflict, only villains (Hamas and the government of Israel) and victims (Palestinians, and to a lesser extent Israelis).