Pril Wood

And Hilarious!

Half-brother. And didn't Claude and Bash have a thing? Incest is treated as nothing on this show, compared with all the other craziness that ensues.

The dress is eating her. Not a fan of the Wedding dress.

Just catching up now so sorry this is late. But the wedding dress bugged. It was Queen Victoria who started the white wedding dress thing. I also hated this dress. Before QM started the fashion (like she did so many) Women wore their most beautiful dress. I don't recall Mary's dress being white when she wed

This episode solidified it: I LOVE the addition of Fabian as a character. It's perfect that he adores Rogelio, because like Rogelio he's equal amounts of oblivious and wise. He's fun to watch with Jane, but I'm also hoping to see some scenes with him and Petra, it would be fun to see how she reacts to him and what

They are doing that on purpose. Not sure where it's going yet, but it's going somewhere, that's how this show works.

Tacky, maybe, if you haven't been there. It's actually quite realistic that Jane would explore with someone who she felt she didn't have to explain her situation to, who she shared some memory of Michael with. I lost my fiance to cancer when I was very close to Jane's age (I was 22), and yes, I dated a friend of his

Grandpa Rogelio is the best!

I'm thinking now that Jane has had her release, we will get Rogelio's. It wouldn't be fair to her if he had his first. Now that she has, I feel it is only a matter of time. Pretty sure the writers of this thoughtful show won't leave us hanging— not their style.

100% yes.

I too have experienced the loss of my S.O. (some years ago now,) and I feel much the same regarding the treatment of grieving and healing in this episode. It made me wonder if one (or more) the writers has also gone through a loss of this kind.

It blew this viewer's mind. Jane's grief and mourning was masterfully handled. As a person who lost my fiance/ first love in my early 20s to Leukemia, some years ago, I not only felt Gina 100% but also appreciated the care and understanding about what it actually looks and feels like to be in her position. I did not

Not to make excuses for Chet's character— I concur with those who think he's being written as far too one dimensional, but to me the baby kidnapping thing did speak to the character that they have developed Chet to be so far… IMO it spoke to the blatant sense of entitlement Chet has demonstrated throughout the show.

The writers set it up as a a feint… one of the things the show does semi-regularly, and one of the things I enjoy about it, although the feints are not always very well developed, case-in-point here.

Sorry I'm so late to comment here… didn't get to watch until today… but did anyone else LOL when bash was immediately rescued by druids after the shipwreck? I downright cackled.

Or the best, depending on how you look at things. I love how over-the-top- villain she is. Arrrr! ;)

This is news? We all knew this back in the 70s.

Remember, appearances can be deceptive on this show. It wouldn't be the first time a preview has set us up to expect one thing only to have it nicely skewered. This is why I'm adopting a "wait and see" attitude on this one.

Also— did anyone else get the feeling from the promos for next week that Francis's demise by ear is coming next episode?

What happened to Kenna? Did I miss something in the finale where she goes off somewhere after what's his face bites it?