Pril Wood

Yes, the writers clearly wanted us to think that so that when she served him his pet it would have maximum shock factor. I think they are doing the same with the pregnancy hints.

Ground hog day is the modern day version of the Candlemas holiday (which apparently, in some versions of the celebration, includes a hedgehog), an early Christian mid-winter holiday, and prior to that, a Pagan holiday known as Imbolic. Not sure why they aren't just calling it Candlemas.

The nanny killing by Narcisse makes no sense. Francis killing her, yes, Narcisse, no. And I do hope that Henry's ghost comes back to leer again at Kenna. That was priceless.

And then there's the complication of his shoulder brand aka "dark mark" to consider….Is he a Catholic, a protestant, or a freaky pagan? Oh, the possibilities!

I saw that too. Hijacked and then insulted is not a way to win friends on a blog site. But I will live and let live if I can collapse their thread. Still, if any Reign newcomers come, they are going to be turned off.

Well, that helps if we can collapse thread…I don't watch TVD, Reign & the train-wreck that is ANTM are my only guilty pleasure shows.

It seems pretty implausible that Claude could have convinced Bash that while they BOTH LIVED IN THE CASTLE WITH HENRY that he had another father…. and also— if Claude and Bash were lovers in the past, she must have been what, 12? She's younger than Mary, she been gone for years, etc… just sayin'…. not that this show

Did I miss something? Claude did not sleep with Louis, Louis was with a married blond, not Claude.
…. And Vampire Diaries people, as I said before, get your own blog! Contrary to what I see as reasoning below for this to be a space for TVD… It's actually quite annoying having to wade through all these TVD posts to

Back then that was pretty par for the course. In real life, Catherine de' Medici's eldest daughter (who incidentally was best bud with Mary and shared a room with her before she wed Francis) was married at age 14 "very happily" to Phillip II of Spain who was 32 years her senior. But yeah, Narcissus may still have a

Watching (a week late) on line…. I have to say I laughed out loud when the nurse leered at Kenna as Henry! Reign comedic gold!

I don't think we should be so quick to rule out Catherine getting some action here. BTW, I love Narcisse's character. The show needed a skeevy male to spice things up after they killed off Henry

I also miss the Nostradumbass intro :)

The whole set up with Leith telling Greer about Castleroy's predilection
for things protestant only to have her marry him anyway creates a
situation for Leith to blackmail Castleroy or blow his cover at any
time. I'd like to say I'm pretty sure that this will happen, but with
Reign, who knows? Which is one of the

Also, Where are all the actual Reign comments? When I go to a blog site for a show, I expect to read comments about that show. Vampire Diaries people, get your own space!

Hey Genevive, your recap is on point, but you could use a good copy
editor. Your sentence structure and train of thought is really hard to
follow at times. As a non-linear thinker and writer myself, I get it.
But this blog would be better for a little judicious editing

Clarissa is a bastard like Bash, so the prophesy doesn't work.

Amazing, yes. But like everything else on this show, historically inaccurate and all over the place.

ham-fistedness is part of the fun of this show.

but that's exactly why they didn't kill her off.

THAT would make for a fabulous show… maybe too creative a twist for this network though. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the current pulp.