Priest of Maiden

The presidency isn’t solely about the man in the Oval Office - it’s the entire administration. And I trust Biden (and/or Harris) infinitely more than Trump when it comes to assembling a team that has the desire (and ability) to do what’s best for the nation.

Sure we should just ignore every other speech he has made recently, including the state of the union where he knocked it out of the park so well everyone on the right had to claim he was on drugs.

Probably the biggest failure of the evening was CNN leaving it to after the debate to fact check Trump. They should have called out each lie live on air. Don’t let Donny do a Gish gallop of his usual bullshit. Media made these same kind of mistakes in 2016 and they clearly haven’t learned or they want Trump back in

He can and has and did that night. 

Let’s not pretend Biden can even get two sentences out clearly, because it was made apparent on Thursday that he cannot.”

I think one very big thing contributed to Biden’s poor debate performance. It wasn’t Havana Syndrome. Nobody snuck NyQuil into his ice cream. And no one pointed a dumb-ray at his forehead in the middle of the debate. They held the debate at 9pm. He’s an 81 year old man who, after weeks of intense debate prep, showed

As a convicted felon, Trump should step down, now.

I don’t particularly care what Trump is suffering from. He’s a convicted felon. That should be enough to keep him from being on any debate stage, nevermind a viable candidate running in the presidential campaign.

You’re an idiot. The second you tried to blame Democrats for the repeal of Roe, you proved it.

Ranked choice voting wouldn’t work in Presidential elections. That’s a clusterfuk waiting to happen when no candidate gets to 270 and Congress elects the next president. Besides, we will have to rewrite the Constitution if we want ranked choice to determine Presidential elections. It ain’t gonna happen.

Oy vey. Nah, there isn’t a conspiracy. Biden was overcoached, and he failed to project his voice, probably because there was no audience to project to. Also, he’s getting old, man.

Matt, there was no reason to link or embed the conspiracy tweets. Quoting, paraphrasing or screenshotting would have sufficed and not given them more clicks. 

So this “originalist” court feels that the founding fathers who rebelled against the tyranny of King George III meant for the President to be above the law?

The court also says the President is now above the law.

There are some serious dangerous times ahead if Trump gets back in power. There are going to be dangerous times ahead regardless, but if Trump wins in November, you can 100% be assured we will no longer have a democracy. 

As I said before, we already lost in 2016 and we are living in the aftermath.  Trump being able to appoint extreme Supreme Court justices has resulted in our democracy being dismantled piece by piece.

fuck this garbage country

Is giz just AI generated blogs at this point, or did the author seriously recommend to a tech enthusiast audience that they can plug directly into, or move the router. 

Trump may be more narcissistic than Biden, but both are most likely deplorable people who care less for the common person than the average person at best.”

“Significant casualties” doesn’t mean 622, either. What a weird hill to die on.