Priest of Maiden

If you can’t find a picture of Musk where he doesn’t look like an unhinged lunatic, then I’m gonna need you to stop posting pictures of Musk.

My goodness, you are dangerously naïve if you believe all of that.

The people operating his campaign are rationale.

On the assumption that the people working on his campaign are rational individuals

I’m sure the Trump campaign was unaware.

I also wanted to add that Kinja got smaller today. This is not good for public discourse.

AV Club went back to Disqus for comments, so no real loss, since Kinja has been shit for a long time. I wonder if Paste will make the same change to Jezebel & Splinter instead of continuing to use the Paste system, which isn’t as good as Disqus.

If a video of Ben Shapiro is all the evidence you need, then you are an idiot.

And nothing I said is objectively wrong.

that’s not the point of the lawsuit.

The subject is political groups manipulation of algorithms to hack an outcome

You must not have read into the way Media Matters did things.

Not to defend Musk

This is an ignorant-as-**** comment and you should feel bad for vomiting it into the ether... and Jalopnik should feel bad for letting it go out of the grays.

Advertisers are allowed to pull money from one advertising platform and move it to another whenever they please. Remember, corporations are people and their money is speech.

Tesla is delaying the reveal of its wishfully lucrative Robotaxi from its planned August 8 date all the way to October.

If you don’t believe Biden is diminished, you either haven’t been paying attention or you are in denial. You also would have to reject everything that’s known about gerontology.

Fuck no, it didn’t.  You’re engaged, you’re liberal, and this is the best you can do?  No wonder the US is fucked.

Holy shit, that was some of the dumbest political analysis I’ve ever read, and I read the NYT.