
Because politics right now to many people is nothing more than a team sports on TV, and they want “their” “team” to “win”

I mean, it’s not like he was asking for a cake to be baked for a wedding or anything.

I mean a horizontal slider, so the keyboard is double the size

Agreed, somebody needs to make a slider phone.  I could bang out texts and emails like whoa.

I’ve lusted after a Sierra Sapphire Cosworth (the AWD one) ever since it came out.

Same thing happened to me!  They flat refused to sell me a car without a credit application.  Chevrolet does not want to sell you a car, they want to sell you credit.  

What about dealers that refuse to sell you a car if you don’t fill out a credit application?  I had that experience a few weeks ago--apparently Chevrolet doesn’t want to sell cars, they want to sell you credit.  They literally refused to take money without a credit application.  Trying to pay full cash, cashiers

She was in the Monaco GP?

Tenth Gear

I’m for anything that helps get people out of their cars. Birds are fun as hell and a great way to get people that “last mile” from public transit to their homes.

Verizon bumper case works great with mods.

That’s it, stop all innovation! Current cameras are “fine”, no need for anything new ever again!

Yeah, who would possibly want a better camera in their smartphone.

It’s very scratch prone but I’ve literally thrown this phone against a wall with zero effect.

I don’t think the mod feature is silly. I love my Hasselblad mod, it takes amazing photos since the update, and has a flash and zoom that literally no other phone can match. Power packs are great for travel and far more convenient than an external battery brick. It’s a really compelling package and I got it all for a

There are so many other reasons to not buy EA games.

Now playing

This looks EXACTLY like the RX-7 that was primed to explode when James Spader stepped on the brakes in the movie Bad Influence. The RX-7 was very prominent in this film.

I replaced my sliver of a back lawn with some fruit trees, mulch, and it’s watered by a greywater system off my washing machine. Thanks, Greywater Corps!

Couldn’t you say that since the contract was wrong, it was null and void, and here I’ll just be returning that car and you can refund me the money kthxbye? It’ll call them on their bluff, and if not then hey, free car for a month.

Baby seat. Fedora. Uses this stupid thing. OMG.