old and pissed off

This may not seem very loud in the noise of the racism of the whole thing, but the way he insulted those elderly people was the most offensive part of all of this to me. (And I had plenty to choose from.) First, insulting elderly people is just...I have no words. Even as a white American, living in a culture that

Good to hear. My dad’s one of the good ones too.

I don’t think any woman in this country gets out of her 20s without being pawed, mauled and otherwise uncomfortably touched at least once. If there are a few, they’re rare. And way too many experience much worse before their 20th birthday.

There’s a huge difference between “gluten free” and “eating nothing but bananas.”

Yeah, it seems like a lot of commenters are conflating “parents who don’t give their kids junk food and make them eat (gag) kale” with “mother who is denying her infant child adequate nutrition to support health and life.” There’s a difference.

I got to eat candy and sugar and junk food as a kid and I have no self control around that stuff either. Same is, I think, true for millions. I think it has more to do with that junk food is designed to be very, very tempting and tasty, by companies that have a lot of money to spend on making more money.

I usually defend parents’ feeding choices as long as the child is getting their actual nutritional needs met, but I have to say this one sounds borderline. I think your friend’s instincts may be correct, especially if there’s any sign of developmental or growth delays.

Well, yes, but that’s really not what happened here. This isn’t a case of not letting the kid have junk food, or insisting that he eat veggies. This is a case of feeding him a diet that caused such severe malnutrition that, if the description is correct, he was neurologically deficient.

I know that’s annoying, but you have to admit not letting your kid have Twinkies is a far cry from causing your child to be so malnourished that his actual neurological development is months and months behind.


Doesn’t sound like that’s true. It sounds like what happened was: A performance-based system of promotion and hiring was put into place. Under that new system, among a small number of new hires and people promoted (something like 16?)—more women, who met the higher performance standards but had not been promoted in

Sounds to me like: They instituted a performance based system. Under that system, 14 women who had been denied promotions in the past for some reason were found to be more qualified than 14 men who had been given promotions in the past in spite of their poorer performance. 

Yep, this. Boom seems to have misread, and keeps doubling down on the mistake.

Yep, this. It doesn’t sound like management is now 80% female as Boom is claiming. It sounds like, out of a small number of people replaced due to poor performance, 80% of those particular replacements were (presumably competent, well-performing) women replacing (presumably poorly-performing) men. Given how many

Documentation please.

“Black folks (and this country as a whole) have so many untold stories. I’m ready to watch them.”

“Perception is as important as substance in these elections.”

Oh, you don’t know much about the average American voter, do you?

Ignorance bites both ways. So far it has mostly played in Trump’s favor. But even his base isn’t going to like the sound of THIS.

Yep, the take-away on the street is going to be “we’ve seen his jets and his limos and his golden toilets. I can barely pay my rent and I PAY TAXES.”