old and pissed off

Nobody is stopping you or anyone else from starting a movement to bring attention to and prevent ALL police murders and police brutality. Police violence against black men is a specific, unique problem with a specific history in our nation, and some people who care about that a lot are working very hard on that issue.

Yes, it’s used as a symbol here the same way. Sisterhood! Also, how can we help?

Number one, a lot of us aging baby boomers have been activists our whole lives (Vietnam war protests, the entire women’s movement of the 70s and 80s, any of that familiar?) and number two, “baby boomer” is not a global phenomenon.

groan...not sure I’ll ever get that far in the curriculum.

That’s someone I want representing my interests when it’s time for negotiating with Putin.

Basically, he’s classic NPD. Pretty much textbook.

I love her campaign. And I think their brilliance is directly related to the fact that her staff is half women and the ethnic makeup also corresponds to national demographics. Guess what, white males alone don’t really do it best.

Good point, hadn’t noticed that, he does mention that she had an attitude problem.

I just want to thank the commentariat here for saying what needed to be said (apparently about five times, is what it takes). Such a loser, this troll, he doesn’t deserve you, but the rest of us do.

Agree completely. I remember this term being used decades ago (I’m old), but you really hardly ever hear it any more, for exactly the reasons you give, and was surprised to see it used in a comment here.

“Unless you’re just grasping for whatever way you can find to think yourself superior to women.” DING DING DING DING DING

Yay Emily’s List, me too! and I might send her a special check extra just for this.

Textbook NPD.

Oh that’s interesting. No wonder I’ve been seeing so many comments where the writers appear to have a poor command of English, and I don’t mean they speak a low-prestige dialect.

I seriously sometimes wonder if guys like this have not yet gotten the bulletin that women a) vote and b) turn out in higher numbers than men.

I would have called Libertarian too, but I think Fellow Narcissist won out in this case. He's just like Trump.

Fine, but it’s still okay that it worked for her and she liked it, right? I don’t see Ponies saying anywhere OMG If You Don’t Attachment Parent You’re Evil.

You know, one of those “Democrats.” From the “Internet.”

On the other hand, it’s pretty important that he lose the election, landslide or no landslide.

yes, this. Race is not actually a biological thing. It’s a social construct, not a biological one. All the traits that we consider defining of race are inherited separately on various chromosomes, not linked up in some way.