These people wrote a thing about how to do that:
These people wrote a thing about how to do that:
I think it keeps some otherwise intelligent, funny, strong contributors from participating here, which is unfortunate. I know that’s the case for me. If I knew what hoops to jump through, I’d jump through ‘em, because I like Jez, but as it is, I just drop by occasionally, since I know I won’t be allowed to participate.
We’re exposed from birth to the same messages, about how we’re not as smart, and not as competent, and not as good, and we have to be pretty and thin and wear high heels and lots of makeup and as soon as we hit 40 we no longer have the right to breathe air.
He tells racism like it is.
I’ve been saying for a while: The first woman to be President was going to be hit with a shitstorm of misogyny. Doesn’t matter who that woman was, it was always going to happen, because it has to.
Or better yet, Brown Santa might even drop a toy in her stocking.
My favorite part was that Donald didn’t even notice he’d been shaded, he was flattered and it threw him off balance and he actually said something genuinely complimentary to Hillary.
“and dear god I’m a fucking geek.” Adorable. And with very good eyesight.
“He can explain why he was slapped to HR.”
I want to sign up for it right now!
as who would not be...
yes, she’s a very successful lawyer and litigator.
And y’all are probably going to yell at me about being a prude or whatever (which I definitely am not) but I don’t think the ubiquity of degrading porn is helping.
Or you’ve just been lucky so far.
The ignorance of decent men regarding the fact that ALL women get treated like this at some point would surprise me more if I had not lived through the Anita Hill hearings. It was the same conversation then. “No, most men don’t do this!” Okay, maybe not, but the ones who do, sure do get around.
“Maybe if these assholes would spend less time worrying about “protecting women” and more time denouncing this shit when they hear it in person and also raising their sons to not be entitled shit bags this wouldn’t be an issue.”
That makes sense since they are evolved from exclusively meat-eating animals, why would they be able to process plant toxins. Did not know that.
“I call her Hermione Clinton in my head now”
yeah old women are sinister creatures