old and pissed off

I just want to say to all the people who are saying that being past the age of having kids means TRAP laws don’t affect you: I’m past menopause but I am still a woman with a brain. And I have daughters. And a granddaughter about to be born. It’s not like sane postmenopausal people are saying this shit Susan is saying.

I don’t think anyone is saying don’t support Bernie. Most of us are fine with either him or Hillary, whichever gets the nomination. What we are saying is: if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, don’t vote for Trump or stay home. Get to the polls and vote for the next Democratic president. We can’t afford to let Trump

“if she had just started out in today’s climate, she might not need to be so hawkish, but that’s only true because anyone doubting whether female candidates are capable as commander in chief or merely fragile doves HAS BEEN DISPROVEN by HRC herself in role as senator, Secretary of State, and presidential contender.

Yeah, Clinton only wants to start with a (possibly do-able) 12 dollar an hour minimum wage nation-wide (up from the current 7 something) not 15 an hour nation-wide. She-devil! Time for a revolution!

well...I wouldn’t mind seeing him in the ladies room...or anywhere else

I remember when I was in my 20s reading some 50-something feminist saying that women get more radical as we get older, because when we are young is when we have the most power and things are best for us. Because in our society, the only thing valued about women is our sexuality. They treat us great when we’re young.

You have no idea how nice that sounds tonight.

Like it would be any different with any other woman who was powerful and experienced enough to be in the running for first woman President. Suddenly they’d be she-devils, I guarantee.

“That’s not a revolution, it’s business as usual. And no, I don’t trust a panel of men to address my issues because men have had hundreds of yearsto address women’s issues, and they’ve failed spectacularly pretty much every time. Sorry not sorry.”

Intelligent? Practical? Realistic? Rational?

“It slays me that people who voted against him in the South are called “low information” voters when his supporters clearly haven’t got a clue.”

THIS. I’m pretty sure we ALL want to overhaul campaign finance, and the only way that’s going to happen is by filling those downballot positions with progessives, and given that campaign finance reform hasn’t happened yet, that’s going to take money. What nerve to criticize people for doing what has to be done first

Actually, there was a Jezebel article recently on this subject, a very good one, look back a couple weeks.

I know, right? She’s not funny and spontaneous enough. We need a President with improv comedy skills. But then again, she doesn’t have enough gravitas, what with all that trying to please everybody. Makes it hard to take her seriously.

I’m thinking about just suspending the entire Internet until this is all over.

Yeah, can’t have a presidential candidate who, like, prepares for stuff and isn’t an improv comic.

Thank you for turning me on to the new Dear Prudence with Ortberg! I quit reading the old one because it kinda sucked. I complee agreetly with you about what sucked and how much better Ortberg is. Woohoo, got an advice column in my life again, yay!

Reclining seats, Butterfingers and a marijuana-soaked lizard brain...I’m sold. Oh and there was a movie?

ahh...American politics in the springtime...refreshing (gack)

I didn’t take my husband’s last name. I gave the kids my last name as a second middle name and his last name as the last name.