old and pissed off

The podcast 99% Invisible tackled this very subject.

Ah, yes, that sounds right. That fits with what I’ve seen in the conversations I’ve had. I don’t think most people have a realistic idea of the full range of what sex work is, especially among the more “high-end” workers.

I have exactly the same confusion. I know there are problems with trafficking etc.

This particular article, I do agree, obscures some important context. “Men threaten other men a lot too” is part of that context. But “women, all women, are sexually harassed, and almost all are sexually abused in one way or another, and all women live with the constant threat of male violence in our real flesh and

Good mind dump, it’s something women working for women’s rights have always had to wrestle with, because we are always in these complex and complicated and intimate relationships with men.

I just want to encourage you: don’t have kids if you don’t want them. I see from my daughters’ lives and friends that there is still a lot of pressure on younger women to have kids, or at least to pretend like they want to.

this article:

It’s probably a team:

The nongood stuff that comes out of it, is actually the point.

The difference is, you have probably never experienced someone actually attempting to murder you, or successfully murdering you. In the real world outside your door, those “dudes” are not following you around looking for a chance to kill you. The stuff that women are threatened with on the Internet is stuff that

Well said, thank you! (I’m an Old and don’t know from gifs.) Seen a LOT of good changes in my 60 years but they all came from millions of people working hard to beat down the walls, usually with their heads. Hard work and people dedicating their lives to stuff, sort of thing. If Sanders can generate that kind of

I sure wish all those people up there saying “oh why do these silly POC folks support Hillary” would consider just reading a few of the replies in these comments, where the answers are being given over and over.

Actually, it’s your kidneys—too much NSAID use can cause kidney failure. Probably five or six days out of the month is okay but be careful if you’re using it all the time.

Enjoy it while it lasts. They’ll be writing you off as antique and irrelevant soon enough.


That thing about people talking down to you for supporting Hillary, like you’re dumb or misinformed, that drives me crazy too. I am neither of those things. Quite to the contrary.

snort, seriously, I hate to reply to a troll, but you have so clearly never watched this show. NYC female empowerment HAAAAAAAA