hello this. Even if it is a response to a troll and hence not necessary. It’s a damn good point, those poor girls! Hopefully their fellow students are a little more enlightened than the old farts in the government.
hello this. Even if it is a response to a troll and hence not necessary. It’s a damn good point, those poor girls! Hopefully their fellow students are a little more enlightened than the old farts in the government.
South Dakota has tourists?
You know, one good thing about being old is that you really can appreciate improvement, because you can remember how much worse it was, in your own lifetime. When it comes to misogyny some things are no better at all than 30 years ago, but some things are definitely better, and I, too, think this is a big one.
They do actually do better when they do all that stuff, it’s just that they are perceived by the boys as not being as smart as the boys. Filters. Not always our best friend if we want to like actually see reality.
my peeps!
I think it’s so ironic that your very on-point response, based on your clearly having actually read the article, is so much more concise and short (while saying exactly what needed saying) than the comment it’s replying to. Thank you for this demonstration.
Unless you’re old, in which case it’s depressing, because seriously this shit has to STOP. and nothing has changed in 50 years. (Not really, but damn, sometimes it feels like that.)
Clearly you did not live through the “can’t buy insurance if you have a pre-existing condition (read: have ever been to a doctor twice for the same thing, or are over 35 years old)“ era.
It was not Gloria Steinem who fucking brought attention to male circumcision for crying out loud! Unless she was known for being active in La Leche League or something. This is something that all the hippie and feminist and breastfeeding and hippie breastfeeding feminist moms were all talking about in the 70s, 80s,…
Seriously? Because I’m seeing this Steinem story said in pretty much those same words all over the Internet, which makes me wonder whose talking point it is.
Wow. Beautifully written. Thank you.
Nothing lame about that! It’s about time 51% of the population got some decent entertainment.
yep, another old woman here, and it’s true. Once you are no longer fuckable you find out that all those guys who you thought really were interested in what you had to say...? not so much. You find out how much of your personal power , which you thought was about you as a person, was actually based on your value as a…
Why do you say it’s more likely that a man’s life will be devoid of female contact now than in the past? I simply cannot see where that is true. I’m 60 years old and in my own lifetime, women and men were definitely more segregated in the past than they are now. Women are more involved in all areas of society outside…
oh goddess yes, if Hilary Clinton runs for president, it’s going to be a misogyny shitstorm. I’ll probably have to unplug my Internet.
I really don’t think we’re missing the word “some.”
Having a woman for president is absolutely a legitimate reason to vote for Clinton. My daughters and my friends’ sons grew up in a world where girls could play sports and women could be lawyers and doctors. It made a difference for them and now they are making a difference for everyone.
I really don’t think people confuse the two. The only people who seem to think people are confusing Bernie’s supporters with Bernie’s candidacy are Bernie supporters who don’t like hearing about the misogyny and racism of some of Bernie’s supporters. It’s a problem, address it, don’t try to fix those of us who don’t…
Well, the ones on reddit are redditors, so, thankfully, definitely in the minority of the total pool of voters. Unfortunately I suspect they reflect the prejudices and anger and misogyny of a lot of folks who have no idea what “reddit” means.
“Just try to base how you vote on the candidate, and not to spite the asshat broken clock who happens to be supporting the candidate.”