
VR resolution still has a way to go, Comfort is still an issue as is eye/neck/nausea issue. I think VR will be huge, but its not there yet. I have a pile of VR sets in my closet as proof.

better ye you simply go to you tube, type in Eifel tower live, and you go there live.  VR does have some cool things to offer, but this meta universe crap doesnt seem to capture any of them.

The whole thing is just comical, we have been playing MMOs for over 2 decades.  The whole meta verse thing is not anything remotely new.

exactly, but how about replace stuff, with “kid”. Police work is a JOB, this guy showed he cant do it, so fire him... NEXT

you drive a car this powerful on a road that isnt a drag strip, which they are doing. Good god, the guy is dead, the races are real, the cars are super powerful, the roads arent perfect... thats major danger

not real? the guy is dead, nothing more real than that. We all know the roads are closed, nothing fake about that, the races are real as this proves.

not exactly, this introduces perjury. The judge may be very interested in this and makes him now open for perjury charges.. IE JAIL time.  And this is just ONE of the numerous trials hes lost and is going to into penalty phase, Im sure those juries will be very happy to look at this info as well. 

sounds like the fat bastard has covid right now

he took advantage of people who sacrificed their bodies and shortened their lives all because he wanted to be a little bit richer.  He could of been a decent person, paid them as employees, given them pensions and still have been rich, but NOOO, he had to be a greedy fuck.  So yeah, fuck guys like him.

why is this news?  it nothing but publicist garbage

a lot of words to say, the market is a rigged corrupt joke.

if nothing else, Gamestop should illustrate to EVERYONE how corrupt , bullshit, and rigged the entire market and wall street is. Fundamentally and realistically this is basically a penny stock selling at 125+ per share, with a market cap in the billions. WHAT A JOKE

not a fan of this art style either, perhaps it will grow on me. Not sure why they dont just make it look like a disney cartoon, there is no reason in 2022 you cant make a Point and click look exactly like your playing a cartoon.

that this basically worthless company is still trading over 100 shows you what a joke the market is.

it is so far behind, the graphics are from 20 years ago, the design and builder are pedestrian and poorly though out. Its CRAP.  I like VR, hell I kickstarted Palmer, this crap however is just second life nonsense, its niche and nothing more.

I have yet to see one EV that is even remotely a “good looking” car. I mean they have way more freedom now without the constrains of an ICE engine, yet the models all look like boring and uninspired. Hence Im on the Emira waiting list

what city has the largest park system in the entire US?.. That would be Philadelphia.

and noone sees the giant flaw in all of this??? This is 2022, there is NO reason for cops to be doing most if any vehicle enforcement. It can all be done with cameras and mailing infractions. Its all mostly bullshit anyway. Let police deal with violent crime, let them WALK the beats, let them actually serve and

so? still not a top 20 dangerous job, its not that dangerous and if they are that scared, find another J O B

well I agree somewhat, and I do agree that breakfast/lunch and dinner are SOOOO outdated. That is a farmers diet, you know they people who use to wake up at the break of dawn, work their asses off and needed a shit load of calories throughout the day. Fat lazy ass office workers dont need a breakfast/lunch/dinner.