he admitted to drugging woman, its on tape. Its that confession that was at the heart of getting this overturned since there was a deal with the former DA. So there is NO doubt he did it, he ADMITTED IT.
he admitted to drugging woman, its on tape. Its that confession that was at the heart of getting this overturned since there was a deal with the former DA. So there is NO doubt he did it, he ADMITTED IT.
lets see a person is in love with cars? um yeah that would be a good chunk of all us dudes. Ask any car enthusiast wife who their husband spends more time with.. As far as the other stuff, a lot of us pull apart the guts of our cars a lot, is that body gore? Hell, Im just a regular american guy and I personally think…
umm we are all living on the surface of a large rocky planet hurdling through space at 67,000 miles per hour. hell we can all go send up our cellphone 100,000 ft with a inexpensive weather balloon. These billionaires have just run out of things to spend money on so they are doing pointless crap like this now.
there is only one way we explore space beyond our own backyard, its with robots and machines. Humans are too frail.
some chinese, saudi, or russian needing to clean some money. There is a reason the buyer is trying to stay anonymous.
I love when people talk about things more than a decade out, its such BS. Hell I dont know about Europe but here in the US many areas cant even run their ACs during heat waves anymore without worrying about brown outs. The US electrical grid cant handle what we have now but sure, plug in millions of cars, see how that…
Basically, the goal is to cut down on the prevalence of dirty air and to make the cars a little more challenging to drive in the hope of improving the racing product.
I would suggest devs simply track win/loss ratios and shot accuracy and create a ratio player rating and create tiers of players. Players are then matched only with players in their tier. Cheaters would be pushed to the top tiers and would be playing amongst themselves. Pro players simply would avoid pick up games and…
three people in a two seater is always asking for trouble as well ( at any speed)
3 people in a small crowded 2 seater? that alone could of caused crashes, add doing 150 on residential roads, well thats just suicide.
no they arent, they are laughable. Like the guy driving the Porsche SUV thinking, yeah I look good... No, no you dont.
still an ugly ass car and is a slap in the face of one the best brands Ford has.
I’m a Lotus fan and Im looking forward to the new Emira reveal in a few weeks.
passive aggressive comment that seeks to get attention. Attention that my mother and father never showed me, so now I troll forum boards looking to get attention that I have desperately seeked since childhood.
the question is.. can and are you able to do repairs yourself on many things because with those miles, whatever hasnt broken and been replaced will soon break and need replacing. So it comes down to are you able to fix things yourself thus avoiding the costly price of labor?
im not even sure they are pro-life or even pro-birth. I think a lot of them simply hold this “view” because they think it will award them some points with their sky god.
According to Harley, Batman fucks bats.
yep, as soon as we saw that car we laughed as well at the show, screaming no way that kid would have that car.
Im betting on patience. This whole housing and car market is nothing but a bubbly house of cards. The is no foundational basis or data backing that this economy is anything but a fed/Govt driven bubble, as soon as the spigot is cut off and the moratoriums are over, markets are going to pop and good deals will be…
you get what you pay for, Im betting in a few years we will all find out where Ford went cheap on this ...maybe sooner.