Merkin Muffley

The LESS RECYCLABLE structural pack, you mean.

The real headline is that the car first conceived as a $29k affordable car is still over $40k.

Slab City is great in August!

In fairness, "human waste in the trash can" is frowned on. For good reason. But it's better than the bushes- but not as good as the dedicated pet waste dumpster across the park in the Dog Area. 

People got pretty used to “free money” so the labor market is much tighter than it should be. Way tighter.

Yeah. There’s whole “VanLife” sites dedicated to “hacks” about borrowing assigned parking spaces in apartment complexes— you know, where PEOPLE ACTUALLY PAY RENT to have a parking space— to “camp for free”

“Chicken Tax"

Its not. There is no editor apparently. 

Tesla regrets nothing. They are too busy watching the Perv Video Clips taken inside your car. 

None of that’s actually true in the global analysis.

But fossil fuels are 85% of LA’s night grid.

Condescend much?

If carbon is what matters?

The carbon math all says MPGe is just a fancy way to lie about performance 

MPGe is the most-greenwashy metric in a realm awash with greenwashing



You need to read more Russian history. And post less.


And here the comes... more proof that when your sustainability policy is driven by poli sci majors and drop-outs?