Merkin Muffley

Nobody gets that once you factor in vampire, charging and internal losses.

No. It's where math still matters. 

My story-  My PGE district is now 62 cents and rising for all power past the first 500 KWH per month.

Except it’s not

You need to look at the power bills a little harder. 

The EV guys also lie to themselves about all the losses from charging- and even just sitting there idle. Some Model 3 code drops were burning 200 Watts just sitting in their garage.

The trend in power rates tracks natural gas pricing. Anybody who didn’t think the utilities were going to capitalize on their monopoly power? Is hitting the dispensary too hard.

It is wildly dependent on region. So bless you for living in a cheap power zone.

This has been my concern for a decade. The resources consumed by all the mass of an EV has to be factored into the equation.


They are already there.


And they inspect at the scales.

Again, false. These vehicles all roll across CA weigh stations-- "no sticker?  Oops. You no longer own dis truck"

You really think that makes you look clever?

You guys laugh but several SoCal cities have already banned all gas stoves and the feds seem to have picked up the idea.

Its more like 20 years. They'll run 2 million miles and a driver can only put on about 100k per year by law. 

Good luck finding cats here.

Its not cars anymore. We proved that in 2020 by taking all the cars off the roads for a couple of months.

Its not really when a truck can run 3 million miles