Merkin Muffley

Yeah, they have some sort of deep grudge with GM. Is bizarre.

We will eventually replace our LEAF with a Bolt

It is. These guys have a GM-hatred fixation.


According to Delta anyway. Of course they also got sued for fabricating their “ontime statistics” and “no cancellations policy”.

Its hit and miss. Chaos. Generally no “new” drive-through but somehow Jack In The Box and CFA got through the net.

CFA is anxious to move to Noleta but the hazing ritual has already begun there...

The fact that you resort to such tired tropes reveals that you don’t even understand the tactics, much less the reality on the ground.

FIRST: no worries. VW just recognised the imminent arrival of the $25k, 300 mile “peoples’ Tesla” which will completely change the market.

West Kansas International.

Yeah. The overwater 757 configuration always had TWO rafts that consumed a lot of bin space.

Dont like it?

Sure. Inconvenience the other 187 passengers because you're an entitled, clueless millennial. Totally on brand. 

She doesn’t know that. She wasn’t in the back. Often the bins are full back there due to the crew’s bags. There’s not a one-to-one correspondence between “seat” and “bin”.

Heh. “4 stars”

No. No they don't as a matter of system integrity. 

Didnt Blackstock live in a Suburban for a few months?

So you’re reduced to whining about the party NOT in power?


The wall’s actually been quite helpful to the people who live nearby.