Merkin Muffley

Should I be smelling cinnamon? Or shrimp?

The sizes on those battery banks are trivial... they help “load balance” until the utility can fire up their natural gas peaker plants.

Like most muckraking "journalism" he had to take liberties. Self. Serving. Liberties. 

miss captioned

Thanks. This was the color analysis we needed... and the actual color 

Remind me why they all talk about “efficiency” when most days here in CALI we throw away 65-70% of the solar power through curtailment....

Do you OWN a car? Or just a Jitterbug phone to post with?

I heard one of them claim recently that David Bowie was more influential and better deserving of acclaim than Bruce Springsteen.

I have a thing for the A8 D2 series... so know them all from the ABZ through AUX and AYS. It’s like they said “hey nobody can do a timing chain more fukt up than these plastic guides and cheesy actuators...!!”

Yikes. "Reading comprehension" ... no longer a thing. 

Other than the OP?

After a VIPER?


He always carries on this nutty crusade. 


Fight Club

But Tesla is Betamax.... So by definition they can't be compatible 

I have the UK site up right now. "Summer" rating on ZE50 comes up 292 miles. 

That's simply false. The TM3 figure of merit is 25% loss after 75000 miles. 

VW will design a very compact block and head system but then fuck it up with a HUGE intake.... Makes it hard for me to see the point. That massive crossover manifold on a VR6 is just silly.