Merkin Muffley

Batteries only getting better at 4% per year. That isn't fast enough to head off hydrogen. 

Bill Gates agrees

Because everyone is in the tank for BEVs. But Toyota sees price parity in vehicles within 4 years. And hydrogen proces will plummet with both next gen nuclear production and direct PV electrochemical hydrolysis hitting full stride.

Hyundai fuel cell hydrogen semi truck is in full production.

Tax policy works. "Regulatory actions" almost never do. 

Whatever you say Casey Jones. Whatever you say. 

Isnt it about the massive CO2 output from battery production on the world’s dirtiest grids in Asia?

Lan B is the only plan until PHEV. Then FCV

Its funny that the reporters are all convinced BEVs are the future even as the market says "meh"

That is changing. 

Dismissive? Maybe, but “time efficient”. And accurate.

Funny. Even in the spectacular “runaway train” incidents--nobody gets fired.

Nah. "Union"

Heh. That's funny. Even if 80 million votes get cast against Trump in Cali it makes no diff

Pics sound great.

And a bout that two tons of batteries in the CyberTruck??

Yeah. Bill Gates, who is actually a genius(not just a movie genius), did point out how fuk Musky’s claims for the Semi and Pickup are.

Batteries are progressing pretty slow. Musk in 2012 claimed the S update in 2015 would have 600 miles range. Still waiting.

Yeah. They don’t seem very good at long range planning.

EV sales always collapse everywhere the bribes and subsidies go away.