Merkin Muffley

Fiero sold like gangbusters the first twoyears

First;  "The EcoBoost scam revealed"

No mention of the innovative shape of the C8 wheel?

“Tonight on Wild Kingdom we examine the Range Rover in its natural setting... being transported in a non-operative state via manual labor, extreme expense and great inconvenience to a location lacking the parts, expertise and patience to cope."

Or a Rover known for random fuel leaks...

Cheaper. But just spectacularly combustible. 

Can you please throw in the GTV to go with these?

So “Made In America” meets “Days of Thunder” ?

Welcome to the ludicrous zone?

TMZ has a nice impromptu interview with him up right now.

What does Mahk say?

I literally just figured out the other day that the actor playing Freddie was Joel Murray— Bill Murray’s kid brother. Man was Freddie a great role. Even playing Mozart on his fly.

Yeah I re-binged recently. Damn do I miss Roger’s one-liners. He was hilarious. Funny thing was, for being so filled with self-doubt Roger was always The Deal Guy to get stuff done in a deal context. He added more value to the firm than anyone, despite being so unsure of his place in the company... Or in life.

“Come to Mars to sue me”

“How a Heffalump and I went to Creditor’s Claims meetings”—

Have a Zima while you wait. 


PR works in mysterious ways...”

As long as these sites keep writing stories about these losers....

Has Haas ever heard of "running a credit check" before they got into this mess?