
The extreme zealousness and energy you are putting into your defense of VW just proves my point. You are a fan, obviously, and would not be likely run and call NHTSA to register a complaint about your car even if it had a major problem. You would say "this aberration in no way reflects the generally high level of

As I said, you are happy with VW in part because you have gotten great warranty service. There are those who would be upset that they needed to get any warranty service at all.

I am fascinated by the possibility that there are patterns involving the personality types that are drawn to different vehicles, and whether high-strung, persnickety, complainy people might more often buy an SUV, for example, whereas the typical VW buyer is a VW fan and will be more stoic and less apt to complain

Technically, he is a cockeyed, pinheaded piece of shit asshole.

Its just quite possible that he didn't do anything wrong, too. But of course, then, anyone who admits that possibility is a sexist rape-apologist troglodyte, Just exactly like anyone who criticizes Israel and the way it treats the Palestinians is an anti-Semite.

I buy scratch off lottery tickets and then I never scratch them off, I hoard them. I have hundreds of dollars worth. They are my Schroedingers lottery tickets. As long as I don't scratch them off, I might be a millionaire. This is the only thing that allows me to endure my miserable life. This and Gordons gin,

The dealership is for every legal purpose the lender. The dealership's name is on the loan documents (actually a retail installment contract). The 'lenders" like it this way they avoid all liability for anything arising out of origination, they are just buying the paper, and the dealer is selling the paper at a

Or maybe it reflects differences in subcultures in our society that have to do with, probably more than anything, cultural familiarity with haggling and bargaining, and sophistication and knowledge about how finance works. Right now, under the rules of most auto lenders, the lender will quote a rate to the dealer,

I am not sure if anyone is really aware of how off their rocker the CFPB is. They oppose, for example, risk-based pricing. They oppose it on principle, and want to ban it but lack the authority. Risk based pricing, the idea that people with bad credit should pay more, because they are more likely to default, the

This is the ethical lesson expounded upon in Office Space, and the conclusion is clear, stealing a little bit from a lot of people is perfectly ok. To be serious though, the fact that there is a statistical difference in average rates which varies slightly between races does not mean anyone has been scammed or that

Actually, when they do these analyses, they correct for creditworthiness. I believe what it comes down to is some minorities may be less familiar with financial matters more intimidated in the setting, in short, less sophisticated, and this is why the discrepancy. Its certainly not racial animus, any car dealer will

This is what the CFPB won't tell us, they will not release the methodology by which they assert there is a "disparate impact." They say they use 'proxies" for race, which come down to zip codes and Hispanic-sounding names. Even then the disparity they have come up with is miniscule.

They would blow a goat, too.

Mulga? Really?

You have no idea what you are talking about. The University immediately suspended him and held a press conference. There is zero chance this will be delayed, ignored, and swept under the rug like FSU did, the University has already made sure of this by shining a spotlight on it all. Not all programs are run the

Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh! Just when hatin-ass Muschamp was finally forced to let him play.

Where is the "Iron Lady" when you need her? Margaret Thatcher would not put up with this attack on the Honor of Great Britain! She would send an armada to re-sink the General Belgrano!

And also too, this was an awesome bit of social/economic/business analysis, absolutely on in pointing out the demographic and economic trends affecting the market, the social forces affecting the market. I used to ride that CB 350 in the 1970s. I started to get midlifey and started to look around again at

Thank you thank you thank you. I rode a Honda CB 350 in high school, and I want it back, but that one up there will do, is that a 500 four? Or best best best of all, I want one of those water cooled transverse v-2 Honda 500s with the shaft drive, what were they called? Otherwise I am gonna wind up with a fucking

I loved Banacek, he was sort of a colder, tougher McMillan, without the wife part. Go 70s! Drew, you turned into Robert Evans prematurely when you started talking about Banacek, you know that right? Maybe because Banacek was such a quintessentially '70s show, and Evans also, is like some insect frozen in '70s