Pretty Theft


As an exception, Kurt Vonnegut fought in WWII, came back to the US and raised 3 children with his wife, adopted his sister’s 3 young children as well when she died of cancer and his brother in law died in an accident, and was a consistent voice in criticizing the rising reactionary political Right in the US. Seemed

ugh NO

I’d put Aaron Samuels on this list too— even though I’m not totally sure Mean Girls counts as a teen rom-com? But he’s got a whole lot of emotional maturity for a teenage boy (drunk girl he’s into is trying to get into his pants in her bedroom, and he’s like let’s slow down and talk about this, ok?), plus cute hair,

I couldn’t even finish reading this because Josh gets a SIX???? In what world????? This is a travesty and I demand justice. 

Right!? Hot, funny, sexy accent. PLUS secretly sensitive (caring for his grandfather before he died) AND did a lot of emotional growth (recognizing arrangement was wrong.) Patrick Verona deserves way more than 6/10. 

Eh. She’s the daughter of a fairly well known environmental activist. I don’t think we should be too surprised that this might be a hobby horse for her, and despite her age, she’d probably be the better educated person in the dispute.

So Bobby Brown is a victim now? Wow!

This is not the married life Melania signed up for. When she hooked up with Trumpy, she was expecting the jet setting lifestyle. She was expecting days where hubby was out doing business and she could hang out in expensive restaurants with her other trophy wife friends and run up the credit cards in Manhattan/Beverly

Exactly.  So many people express pity and feel bad for her, but she married him knowing he’s a creep and has stayed with him through all his crap.  I only feel sorry for Barron.  How do you grow up well adjusted in that toxic environment?

YES! I once had an Australian professor who spent ten minutes teaching us all how to say it correctly, and then had us all go over it for the one native Dutch lecturer on staff to make sure we all had it right, haha. One of the most entertaining classes I’d ever had, and he did so in part just to piss off his Scottish

I immediately thought of Hannah Gadsby as well. What gripped me most was her assertion that van Gogh was able to paint Sunflowers not because he suffered, but because his brother loved him. I still get a bit choked up just recalling her delivery of those lines.

uuuugh I can see how people will love this, but as an art historian I am fully prepared to shit all over this. To paraphrase the great Hannah Gadsby: Vincent was a post-impressionist painting at the HEIGHT of post-impressionism, who spent years attempting to treat his mental illnesses successfully, and did so with

There’s nothing exploitative or predatory about paying a consenting sex worker for sex. You’re the one objectifying them by assuming they have no agency in choosing their profession.

When I was in high school I met the friend of a friend’s older sister and he took an interest in me. We would chat over yahoo messenger (that dates this) and he would come up with my friend’s sister on weekends and stay with the family (they lived next door). I was 16, he was 25-27. We wound up kissing a few times but

I’ll never forget coming back home after seeing this in the theater and immediately purchasing the soundtrack. I fucking love this movie. 

I feel a strange fondness for Taron Egerton, possibly because he voices my son’s favorite character in the movie “Sing”.  He does a decent job with an Elton John song in that, so who knows?

Well, that’s an insulting, demeaning, shaming, unhelpful response. Well done.

Aside from the grossness of trading Caroline off for a pair of chonies, I never even understood why we were meant to root for Sam and dislike Caroline. Because Caroline’s... blonde? Because she has the guy that Sam wants? One of the things that struck me as an adult was that Caroline’s actually really nice*; she even

Small correction, easy mistake to make, tiny thing, completely understandable: