Pretty Shambolic

Is it worship or fear though? Had I just witnessed a tiny, silver-haired woman kill the strongest, most powerful soldiers I know of, I don't think I'd be rushing in with a sword. To them, having witnessed what they did, Dany must look immortal.

Osha’s not scared of Ramsay’s flayed man sigil. “You eat them after?” Ramsay snorts. “No.” “Then I’ve seen worse.”

Jet Jumbo, just for when they write your surname first on official documents.

Nope. Bizarre name over here too.

That has to be the worst character they could have focused a spin-off on. There were so many directions to push a spin-off in too.

Honestly, no. The show has fallen apart. The last two seasons have been an absolute mess.

I thought she owned the company? The whole Queen/Palmer Industries thing is totally lost on me.

So Malcolm convinces Thea to stop a madman from destroying the sanctuary that her - and countless brainwashed innocents - have been imprisoned in, yet why would she when Darkh is relying on that sanctuary for survival too?

Aside from him being an outstanding actor who is absolutely perfect for the role, the racist tears are my number one reason for Idris Elba being the next James Bond.

Well played.

Sure… but in a Flash-less world, where no one can challenge him, what does he need them for? Considering the ease at which he destroys any meta who's ever crossed him, he doesn't seem to need them regardless.

Jesse in a coma was merely harking back to Barry's coma at the start of the show I think, but yeah, they'll doubtless have limitations and differences that separates them from The Flash. For Jesse's part, she'll probably be more powerful on Earth 2, which she'll undoubtedly return to once the Zoom threat is removed.

Can't we all agree that the use of "cringe" is more cringeworthy than any event it will ever be used to describe?

Ahh Zoom, the Sideshow Bob of Flash villains. As you say, it was lucky he decided to take the week off, because man, that could have been bad for Earth 1.

Found this episode a bit boring personally. Feels like the show is going round in circles already and I've already seen the plotlines before, albeit in slightly different circumstances.

No hitting above the waist, I guess…

So frustrating that they've chosen to end this show, it had a lot more threads to untangle and stories to tell. Among the many things I was really looking forward to down the line was seeing how Hood's deviant daughter turned out, I always felt she had the potential to become Rebecca 2.0. Or they could flip that

Fair point. After the blunder with Barry's speed, I'll expect to see Laurel alive and well in The Arrow this week, before being revived in The Flash the week after.

She's not that bad, no worse than many other actors in this kind of show, but the legacy obviously helps. Being really attractive doesn't hurt either.

Poor Katie Cassidy. Her immediate rise to bad-ass superhero, despite the total lack of training, is the perfect example of how badly the writers constantly screwed her.