Pretty Shambolic

This show is falling apart. The writers seem to have no grasp on what's happened before, I've never seen anything like it. Honestly, I think the only reason I still watch is for the howlers they keep making. Comedy gold some of it.

I thought the existence of one meant others existed too? I can't keep track any more to be honest with you.

This episode is a perfect of example of what's wrong with both Arrow and The Flash at this point - nothing is permanent, even death.

Part of the charm. Best live band I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot), you never knew what was going to happen next, it always felt like the whole thing was hanging together by a thread and at any second, it'd snap. Such talented songwriters too, glad they're back together.

Yeah, I'm still struggling to nail down what Indie rock is supposed to be nowadays. I think, in the UK at least, it seems to have replaced the term 'alternative rock'.

As a massive Foo Fighters fan, I endorse this cover. Outstanding. Well done Florence.

I had my doubts about Silicon Valley for much of first series. It started slow and provided very few moments which actually made me laugh, but it picked up in the second half of the season and showed no signs of letting up in the S2 opener.

How often do you look at an image and tell the person next to you what colours it is to see if they agree? It probably happens more than we'll ever realise.

Gus is/was never going to last. He's too vanilla; the single-most boring character in this show. As much as many of you seem to hate Jimmy-Jack-Steve, he at least provokes a reaction, people at least have some feelings toward him, whereas Gus, I'm just so bored by him. It's like Shameless turns into some cheesy

I loved this episode and it perfectly demonstrates why celebrity episodes, like the Elon Musk one, are so unnecessary. The Simpsons is brilliant because of the wider cast, they can hand an episode over to Moe, The Comic Book Guy, Duffman, Krusty, Apu, Nelson, Mr Burns etc. etc. and it generally produces something far

For what it's worth, I saw the top one as white and gold originally. Could not see it as anything else, despite sneaking up on it from different angles and trying all sorts of crazy shit (I should have been sectioned, it was getting out of hand). I persisted because my girlfriend saw it as blue and black all along

You've missed the point. The photo you've seen as white and gold (the one at the top) some people see as blue and black. The one you're seeing as blue and black, everyone sees as blue and black.

Oh wow, that really did work. For a few seconds at least, then it tried creeping back to white and gold so I panicked and scrolled back down. It's witchcraft, I tell you. Mind blown.

Keep trying to sneak up on the original photo from different angles but the f***ing thing is still white and gold. Damn you, Internet. Damn you to hell.

Oh… there are different degrees of dead in superhero-land, then? Well it seems she's being brought back regardless, so maybe The Flash does some time-travelling?…

Now the show has confirmed the existence of Lazurus Pits in this universe, I'm wondering why Nyssa didn't throw Sara in one? Can't they resurrect the dead?

"See it's simple"

Maybe… I just don't understand why enlisting Merlyn's help to survive (and that's key - he's dead otherwise) is such a deal-breaker. Why would it be? You'd do anything to ensure someone you love is safe, it's just such a nonsense excuse to extend the will they/won't they storyline and is in no way in-keeping with

Maybe, but it's still laughable how easily she was beaten when compared to Laurel's transformation.

I don't understand why she couldn't. The writers have led us to believe Merlyn holds the key to Oly being able to beat Ra'as, so it follows that Merlyn is much stronger than Oly and can train him, like he has Thea. Last week we had a scene where Thea was shown to get the better of Merlyn, yet this week she's