Pretty Shambolic

This being Game of Thrones, let's not rule out a White Walkers win. That'd be kinda awesome in its absolute commitment to killing everyone.

And the other guy is building a thousand ships, but Dany doesn't know any of this.

Well, yeah… but they haven't got the ships yet. Or a plan to acquire the ships.

The ziploc bag stuffed with newspaper that Jared had drawn a smile on was the highlight of this episode. I genuinely LOL'd at that one. His delivery is superb.

It did seem like an unnecessary rallying call after the events of last week. Good to see Drogon though.

That was a difficult change of pace after last week. In hindsight, I guess we should have expected an episode or two of setting the stage and moving characters into place for whatever they're planning to build towards this series.

I doubt they've even considered that. Imagine how pissed their writers are going to be when DC tell them The Flash's storyline requires a total reset of their show.

A show I've never got around to watching. 11 seasons is a lot to binge on one day though.

Yeah, they've ruined it. It was fun while it lasted, but if Arrow and this are anything to go by, CW scriptwriters seem incapable of maintaining quality for longer than two seasons.

That was definitely a misstep. Makes no sense at all for Ana/Carrie to stick around in Banshee after blowing up cartel drugs and upsetting the Nazi brotherhood. That said, these characters aren't known for good decision-making.

Any chance of a spin-off? Job in New York feels like the obvious direction to take.

Ahh right. Fair enough then.

Darkh - "I won't kill you Oliver and ensure my plan succeeds, instead I'll leave you alive because… erm… y'know… reasons!"

So Felicity tracked Thea to the underground shelter, yet when Oli and Diggle entered, it turned into an impenetrable black zone communication couldn't pass through? How does that work exactly?

Did that ever improve? I stopped watching after first half a dozen episodes.

Never made sense that they didn't tell him. Almost everyone in the city knows at this point

I haven't watched Legends for a while. Have stuck with The Arrow and Flash, but they've become a bit of a struggle most weeks.

Doesn't everyone…?

I'm struggling with both of these shows (Arrow and Flash) at this point because of the time travel possibility. I'd feel short-changed if Barry simply goes back in time to save his Dad, but by the same token, I can't reconcile the idea that his Dad is dead and he doesn't do anything about it. Arrow has the same

Or her brother died from suffocation, as opposed to the heat? Was a while back now so the scene is a bit hazy for me.