Pretty Shambolic

The place Aries died in for me. In fact, that entire scene remade in HD would be awesome (and truly heartbreaking once again)

LOL, you must have spotted that quickly, I deleted instantly. No, the other one is my brother's account. He'd left himself logged in on my laptop.

She was made of Duplo, which is a bigger version of Lego designed for younger kids (too big to choke on).

“Bad news people. Our religion is not true. Sorry about that. Really sorry.”

Agree absolutely. I don't think there's another show on TV where women have such varied and prominent roles, overall, they're probably more powerful than men in GoT. With that balance comes the balance of being subjected to the same cruelty and horrors a battle for power in a dark and vicious world men regularly face

She didn't know Oli was the Arrow at that point (which is surely how she gets trained as the Black Canary) and she got some sort of justice. I'm just guessing here, but we know Laurel is the Black Canary (the producers already admitted she was too) so Sara has to be cleared out of the way and her death is the easy way

I thought re-devoting your life to running around kicking ass only occurs after a traumatic experience for which you never received justice in superhero land? (Or TV in general for that matter)

Recent episodes have been heavy in contrivances, I'd suggest a shake-up of writers before the next season and a more coherent, better planned out series.

They've switched things up so brilliantly here, I wouldn't rule out 3 or 4 more seasons. Long live Parks & Rec.

Well we know Laurel is the Black Canary so some event must lead her to becoming that way, the death of her sister would make sense…

Without the ending and grading only against Arrow itself, I'd have given it a C personally. With the ending, I felt the grade was fair.

I feel like this show has lost its way a little and is winging it at the minute, desperately shunting characters into the places they need to be for the season finale. I still love it, but they need to tighten the writing up and plot the series better so they can reduce the number of contrivances per episode.

I hate Oasis but they're better than Coldplay, though I still don't know what a Wonderwall is or what kind of drugs I need to take for 'slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball' to become the work of a songwriting genius.


I did the same, mostly because it's a better name than One but maintains the confusion.

I still don't understand how they became so big. There are literally hundreds of British bands with FAR more talent than Coldplay.

But they're the best kind of girl… Everyone should have a little crazy in their lives, it keeps things interesting.

Not sure what it says about me but I've used the exact line she used! Was kinda spooky.

I dunno, Danielle Panabaker sold it for me. Flash that is, not the dreadful scenes they used to introduce her.

If nerdy glasses works for Clark Kent….