Pretty Shambolic

I don't doubt that, but it's been done so many times, any joke based on that stereotype is tired and boring.

Geeks afraid of the opposite sex? Really? I almost switched off due to the laziness of that piece of scriptwriting alone. Get some women in the main cast and ease up on the done-to-death geek stereotype and they may have something here.

Absolutely, but so few comedies survive long enough to find their feet these days you really have to hit the ground running like Brooklyn Nine-Nine did.

By not including a woman or two in the main group, they do seem to have created a show where the only roles for women will be assistants to billionaires and girlfriends/love interests of the main cast.

The IT Crowd is one of my favourite comedies of all time, they didn't make nearly enough episodes of that.

I love the premise and the pilot showed great potential, but it wasn't funny enough. There wasn't a single LOL moment for me, a couple of sniggers and a few in-joke nods of approval, but nothing that made me really laugh.

"Kev's scene in the bar, telling Mickey that nobody cares who he bangs?"

Yes! That's annoying me too, if that was my sister I'd be serving a stretch considerably longer than Fiona's right now.

Pure coincidence I think, but the icy wall at the start felt like a homage to Game of Thrones by the way.

Carl was also distraught when it looked like Frank was going to die too, so I see him more as an unruly kid than a psychopath personally.

I like JJ-Steve, but the UK version might be tempering my views somewhat. Isn't he the win Fiona needs and desperately deserves? Someone who loves her and offers some semblance of a life to a 23-year-old whose life otherwise revolves around the kids?

Huck and Quinn are so batshit crazy it kinda makes sense and it's not like the show hasn't been building towards this point for a while.

They need to permanently address Mike's secret, I know it's the basis for the whole show but the sheer ridiculousness of it all annoys me.

He's so central to the UK version, I can't imagine a Shameless without him. That said, Fiona leaves early in UK version so that demonstrates how willing Abbott has been to change things.

Mickey's going to kill the black guy for beating Mandy, right? I have more sympathy for her than anyone else, the girl really deserves a break.

Once again, this was a terrible episode. Another sidestep to the tedium of more characters en route to the sanctuary, how many more weeks do I have to suffer through these episodes before the story starts to move forwards again?

Hard to differentiate between the two most of the time.

I'm going to miss this show so much. The excessive violence isn't for everyone, but it's so beautifully shot I feel as if I'm watching cinematic fine art at times.

His Harvard snobbery undermines everything else, it reminds me of the 'Oxbridge' (Oxford and Cambridge) elite here in the UK who are the most insufferable people you'll ever meet.

He believes Mike changed the single grade for the ethics class and that the rest of his Harvard education is real. It leaves Lewis open to find out the whole truth at a later date I guess, but he'll no doubt jump on-board with the rest of the lawyers risking their careers to cover Mike's back. So this episode again,